Thought you might like to see I put my goan child Photograph into a photography museum competition in Switzerland, They have picked my goan child and it will stay in their archives forever, The competition ends this weekend and there was 56000 entrants, I am very proud and happy to be picked out of all those entrants.
dont think you get a prize kandy its just gets kept in their photography archives, going to water colour this goan child as a rememberance to this occasion
Very well done rosa ..I remember what a thought provoking picture it was when you first posted it after you visit!
rosa, how did I miss this yesterday? I am so sorry I have not congratulated you and I am so proud of you. I thought it a lovely photograph at the time and it is well deserved of the honour. All my love, Sweetie, and Parabems!
thanks pal, kedigato & LOL, yes it was a lovely suprise when they sent me the e-mail, actually i had forgot i had entered it a few weeks ago and when i was told just thrilled and delighted.
thank you Diziblonde, I put another photo in but havnt heard anything on that one and this photography museum comp finishes this weekend.