Sorry about your bad experience on the cruise Rich I have only been on one cruise to the North Cape (land of the midnight sun) on the Oriana up along the coast of Norway, I can't praise it enough it was a dream trip.I would have put up with that trip of yours just to get a cutting off that Brugmansia that would have compensated me, lovely pics.
Hi Cajary, We went on a boat trip to Ras Mohamid national park to snorkell, that was good, go out in the desert on quads 'brilliant' went to Ciaro by bus, took 6hrs but for 3 of us only cost �£65 from red sea star on beach, do not go with rep cost you that each!! and if you fly it's nearly �£200 each. Bus as they call it is a luxury coach with toilet and recliner seats, and they all go the same way through desert. There is a water park next to our hotel called Aqua land, our hotel is Tropicana Rossetta. Swam with dolphins �£60 each (that's cheap compared to Mexico). Might do Tiran island this time and if not too expensive Luxor. Go bed and breakfast cos the food is excellent and cheap! Hard rock cafe brill, mexican brill, Mcdonalds never bothered with! most restaurants are great and so is the shopping mall!!! E-mail me if you want to know more :D
Thanks Kandy, I think it's slightly warmer there than here at the moment but I'm taking layers just in case.
I don't blame you.I can feel my web feet starting to grow with all this wet stuff,yes I know we need it for the gardens,but just at night please :D :D
I have never been on a cruise but only on a ferry from Genova to Sardinia... But I expect that a two night channel cuise advertised in the sun can not appeal to the same people which choose a long cruise in a "more exotic" location. So, one choose really try the second option as well to give a fair judgement about cruises... But nevertheless, thank you for letting us know...
I'm off to Tallinn in Estonia early Monday morning for three nights, should be interesting. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe the Estonians could shed some light on the divide between working/middle class gardens Have a nice break :D :D
It would be nice to have some post-holiday feedback, nice pictures etc... I will certainly take some pictures of mine, but I don't know about digital pictures (that I will be able to post, basically), as my micro digital camera only survives in closed proximity of a computer which I will not have during the holiday. But maybe I will buy a nice digital camera by september...:of course that could mean a couple of "cafe dinners" instead than a wonderful grilled fish dinner during the holiday...
I`m sure you could forgo a couple of grilled fish dinners for the sake of art miraflores,be strong. I will be taking my digital with me when I go.Be prepared to be bombarded with allsorts of flower,wildlife and scenery pictures when I get back
Went to Italy for Easter, as usual - we have a house near Livorno, with a big garden which now needs a lot of work doing to it. We'll be going back there in the summer, then in August I will be going to the Edinburgh Festival. Also went to Swansea in March for the Green Party Conference ; does that count as holiday?
Pip,have a great holiday,and it will be nice to see your photos when you get back.Have a ssfe journey
Thanks Kandyfloss,will try to enjoy the lovely warm weather in Spain, couldn`t have picked a better week to flee Old Blighty (smug b*****d) see you when I get back.
Have a lovely time, pip and Mrs pip. Our weather is certainly glorious here, 23 degrees now, but that's our high for today. Looking forward to seeing your flora and fauna pics.