Thanks, marge. Even though it's only four days / three nights we're excited as we haven't had a holiday for ten years. It will still be hot in Turkey in September, won't it? Sis is going for three weeks October/November. Hope you're coping without your dear Molly. We haven't buried Candi yet ... can't get our heads around it so she's still on the counter and we speak to her occasionally! :eek:
We`re off to Turkey in a few weeks.27 days and counting.It`ll be our honeymoon holiday. :D Young fiz is off with family so we will be childless for 2 whole weeks. We`ll have a weeks grace between wedding and holiday but it will give me time to organise, prepare, etc. I must say i`m a bit worried about the heat over there at the moment.Some friends have just returned and said it was at times unbearable. Mr. fiz will no doubt love it but i just burn. I`ll just have to go to market and buy a few spuds.(very good cure for sun burn.)
Hi elainefiz Mrs Pip and myself are off to Cyprus a couple of days after you It is ,as you say, very hot in the eastern Med at the moment and it will come as a bit of a shock to the system to feel some real summer heat but I`m sure it`ll be well worth it. Feel sorry for anybody flying out of Manchester last night/this morning, huge power failure and everything shut down inc check in which had to be done manually. Big delays. Never heard of the spud peel sunburn treatment, sounds as if it could be fun. :D Hope the weather bucks up for your big day and have a nice time in Turkey Hi LOL When is your mini break? No doubt you will need it after all the work going on at your place this summer
I don't feel the need to go away for holidays. It's so beautiful here, where I live, I don't wont to leave it! Apart from the above, I hate the travel bit. I wish they could 'beam' you to your destination like they do on Star Trek!
Were of on the 31st aug - where are you going? I was hoping the heat would subside a bit by then but I quite like it! Fonzie, I think the travelling is exciting - I know it can be a bit frustrating at times but I always think of it as the start of the hol, regardless LOL - Were doing ok without Molly - thanks for asking Still miss her like mad and I think Daisy does a bit but hard to tell.
Elaine and Pip, had three weeks in Turkey and Northern Cyprus last August (as some may remember) and it was very, very hot, 40c plus day and 30c at night. Even the sea was hot! Loved it and will go again one day, have a good time both.
Cheers Strongy :D Mrs pip and I were in Cyprus for the last week of August and the first week of September last year. The August week was shockingly hot,enough to actually wake me whilst nodding off on the sun lounger. September week was noticably cooler but still into the high 80`s.We do like the heat but temps in the 40`s,no thanks.
We are taking the rolling road blocker to France for September. Heading for the Montpelier area and then working our way back. Plan on cycling the Camargue and the Burgundy/Rhone areas and walks in the Ardeche areas and changing our mind if the weather is iffy. The great thing with a caravan is that you are free to change your mind. The real worry is, can I carry the whole of next years wine stock and remain with the correct weight distribution. You have no idea of the enormous strain that has put on my life.
I've got that cracked Fonzie. We always use FIB travel. Ground crew giving the OK for departure - Arrival two nanoseconds later - FIB Travel - Flights in a Box :D
Hi, elainefiz. It should be cooling down in September, in Turkey. We're going to Icmeler at the end of September. (We went there last year) A useful site is Dizzi, this isn't "Spamming" is it
NO, don't bother answering. I've just looked it up in a book(supplied with our new super-dooper computer) and that's not "Spamming"
Dunno what you're laughing at, Dizi. With the amount of gear we've got on this I'm gonna keep you busy for a year. :D :D At least I might be able to post pictures, now