Inconsiderate neighbours

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pip, May 4, 2007.

  1. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    pip we are talking about Scotland which can be vey clannish (I am a Scot)and I have red/ginger hair(So I should just kill myself) and tiggs@oscar let me come to your commune please!
    It/s not my fault my parent's gave me their genes! [​IMG]

    I think that it's nothing to do with being racist , on the whole but some people are just selfish pigs (which is an insult to pigs as my son keeps pointing out) [​IMG]

    We need to be considerate to all not just some! Children do need safe places to play in but they also need boundaries and rules. People who don't have kids need to try to remember when they where little (I'm sure you do , with great affection)and have some fun
  2. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Hee Hee,

    Ok anthea, let me work on the constitution!

    TO ;)
  3. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    pmsl tiggs i was thinking that myself ... but then i thought i bet even we would all find problems with each other!! - i think it is probably human nature, we werent meant to live so close to other people.

    anthea, i'm from the north east of england, my b/f from the east of scotland - we live in the west of scotland! - good and bad everywhere - so the borders would be a good compromise, but so darn expensive to buy there is the problem.
    the worst house on the best street is what we are looking for - or the house no one wants as it's just too remote :D
    we did see 2 remote dilapated farm cottages for sale in durham - no road access and no services, a crumbling chimney . hey we considered it!! too us that is bliss

    :eek: :eek:

    pip moving to spain sounds nice! i guess i'm at stage 1 with the garden, next year the property then see what the prices are doing. I know i've made a good profit already just in 4 years as this was cheap as it wasnt the best, and part of that was the garden haha - who knows what the future brings -- only got 1 number and the bonus ball last night so right now the future means staying put....

    ps it's been quiet here so far, so far so good!
  4. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    this was the property we were 'dreaming' about lol

    imagine it though all done up, and the land! you could be totaly green - have a wind turbine, maybe solar power and a generater, oil fired heating, log fire, grow all your own fruit and veg - no car access remember ... ahhh as i said bliss!
  5. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    Anyone got any ideas of the funds you would need to do up something like that?

    it's 2 cottages made into 1 - 4 bedrooms, 2 reception rooms, kitchen and bathroom - obviously no electric or gas to the place, would need roof re doing and new chimney - probably some doors (unless they are in there) maybe new windows (not sure if it has any!)
    guessing it cant be too bad as it was made into one house and does have a kitchen and bathroom.
  6. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
  7. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    great site tiggs!
    for sale and in need of repair - just having a look at that :)

    These range from castles to cottages to churches to industrial buildings and prices range from �£50,000 to �£10 million.

    10 mill!
    interesting site though, thanks! seems we are not alone in this 'dream'
  8. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    the more i look at those 2 cottages the more i fall in love with them :love:
    the asking price is �£40,000 but it said offers would be accepted, imagine they got to a point where they accepted something silly just to get rid like 5 grand - we'd have the moeny to do it all up then and no neighbours at all!!!
  9. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    My apoligies Anthea,I didn`t notice that you were both up in Scotland [​IMG]

    mgn, a rebuild is something Mrs pip and myself would seriously consider although I don`t know if I would have the b***s to do it. The finished product done to personal specifications would be fantastic and the fact that you could be well away from any neighbours is perfect. [​IMG]

    Looks like a perfect setting for tiggs&oscars commune ;)
  10. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    Pip I forgive you! :D Our NFH is meant to move tomorrow, will let you know what happens. Hubby has been told to buy a medium priced bottle of champers(no point in spending too much in case he doesn't go, this has happened before [​IMG] )
    We can go back to our romantic evenings in our summerhouse when the kids are in bed now hopefully [​IMG]
  11. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Great news for the pair of you [​IMG]

    You could still get hubby to buy a big bottle of champers:

    a) you could drink it to celebrate the departure of NFH

    b) If NFH doesn`t go,you could still drink it and then go round with the empty bottle and do what you see fit [​IMG] [​IMG]
  12. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    Pip you are a genius [​IMG] wouldn't like to tell you what I would do with the empty bottle though!

    Can't tell you what a relief it is that we are not the only people in this horrid situation but it still is awful for everyone who has to put up with idiot neighbours :mad:

    Still want to join your commune, will farm the kids out to grans [​IMG]
  13. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    have to tell you, those 2 cottages sold for �£25,000 - not to us unfortuantely! someone is going to get a nice place out of it.

    My news is soliciters are now getting involved, it's turned really nasty - more things have been said than i knew about, really bad things about me and totally not true, but we are strangers here, who knows what people believe, so we have started packing and might have a place in england to rent, means i'll never be able to buy again though, but in a way this isnt a bad thing - you cant buy security by having a mortgage, feeling secure where youre at is more important at the end of the day.

    PLEASE Send good vibes my way as we'll find out monday if we can get the new house - i already have the garden planned!!!!!
  14. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    If I were you I would seriously consider chasing that dream of doing up a ruin. The feeling of your own space,no neighbours,your own specification and the potential to make a lot of money if you sell it on,far outway the initial concerns of cost and "doability"

    This is easy for me to say without knowing how much money you have to spend.

    It looks like it`s all over and it`s time to sell up,bank the money,stick two fingers up at all the people who have ruined your current dream and look to the future with renewed vigour and confidence. Give plenty of thought about where you want to be in ten years,living,working etc etc and do your best to achieve it.

    I personally would be on the next plane out of this place and looking to live in a country which is not s***scared of tackling issues in case it causes offence to somebody,usually the offender.

    The best of luck for tomorrow and remember,you only live once-make the most of it.
  15. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good Luck mgn in whatever you decide to do.We moved here to our presant house after 21 years in another village.Our next door neighbours were fine to begin with apart from the fact that he thought we had stolen some land behind the garages that the builders had designated as ours and is on our deeds,and the fact that we didn't wear designer clothes or jewlery when washing the car or gardening.

    It all went down hill when he changed jobs and was put under extreme pressure to do well and get lots of orders for his new company.I made the mistake of mentioning that our caravan would be standing on the drive for an extra week after our holiday while Mr Kandy did some essential maintence before the caravan went back into storage.He went berserk at me and went off in a raving fit that our caravan was an eyesore to look at.It only stands on the drive when we are going away and when we come back afterwards so that it can be cleaned,inside and out.

    He and his wife never spoke to us for months,and he would sit in his car on his share of the drive if Mr Kandy was hoovering his car insides rather than have to speak.

    We nearly had a nervous breakdown over it and considered moving,to another part of the village.Good job we didn't because they put their house on the market overpriced,then wondered why it took 14 months to sell.The ironic thing is,if we had moved,we would have ended up having them as our new neighbours because they bought the house next door to the one we were considering buying.Phew...

    We have new neighbours who are ordinary people like us and don't suffer from SNOBS disease and are lovely so all's well that ends well :cool:

    [ 24. June 2007, 12:41 PM: Message edited by: Kandyfloss ]

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