Inconsiderate neighbours

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pip, May 4, 2007.

  1. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    thanks pip, unfortunately we didnt get it BUT the landlord has put us top of the list for the next one, and my mum has a feeling that we may even still get the one we wanted as it is very attractive with a condemned fire and no kitchen cupboards (but does have a sink!) and stinks to high heaven!!!!
    But to us that says living near my family and feeling secure - heaven!:o) And the landlord knows we'd have the �£ to do it up from my sale.

    Yeh the dream would have been buying the remote place with no neighbours, but as my mum says to me, at least this way any major repairs are done by the landlord, i'd have money to buy everything new, we'd have savings and be able to go places and at the end of the day we've no kids to leave an inheritance to - PLUS we'd be free to move whenever and wherever in the future if we wanted to and we'd be living in a property we could never have afforded to buy.
    So as it stands now wer'e just waiting in limbo for the go ahead on that.

    And on the neighbour front, well you wont believe it but I had an apology!!! It took 4 years coming and telling them I've been to the police and council and saying we're moving, but still!!!! so fingers crossed we'll have peace till we move. I've been losing weight at a rate of half a pound a day through it! My b/f must have lost half a stone - we've just been feeling too sick in the stomach to eat much, and then the lost sleep through it. Kid trouble i can handle but when it seems a whole family are then involved it gets a bit scary!

    Kandy, i had to laugh when i read that you could have ended up neighbours again!!! But know exactly how youre feeling baout the nearly having a nervous breakdown through it. We wernt meant to be living so close to each other for sure! So glad you've got nice neighbours now :o)
  2. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Good morning Mgn, forgive me if I seem to be jumping the gun a bit.

    Glad to hear that you are on your way to a new and happier life.It`s such a shame that you will have to leave your garden project but you will have a blank canvas,not only in your garden but in life,get painting.

    Was NFH`s apology sincere or were they forced into it by the authorities?

    Either way,it seems to me that they have lost what could have been a great neighbour and I hope they end up with somebody like themselves.

    Best wishes and all the luck for the future in your new home (hopefully sooner rather than later) ;) [​IMG] [​IMG]
  3. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    [​IMG] People with awful neighbours rejoice [​IMG] There is hope out there [​IMG] our NFH moved on Satuday night??? [​IMG]

    Allegedly our new neighbours are normal, but we will hold fire until this is proven as we have been badly burned before [​IMG]

    four years of misery have ended, hurrah! [​IMG]

    Will let you know what happens next [​IMG]
  4. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    thanks pip, fingers crossed it will be sooner rather than later - we're hanging on for it as that landlord has no problems with pets and my parents have rented off him for over 40 years, i know everyone there so it's a safe move :) we just hope it's months rather than years!!!
    i think the apology was a bit half and half, panic and maybe after she had thought about it realised that we did have a point all along! Now we are just avoiding everyone, saying hello and no more. Theyll be panicking about who will be next as that will be 2 properties with new neighbours, and they couldnt be quieter than us!

    And i'm going to have a better (if not alot smaller) garden, as i'm going to have everything new and posh :)! no more painting tubs and patio chairs, i'll just buy everything matching - oh i cant wait!!! i may even buy my plants full price!

    yay anthea!!! are you going to buy some champagne?? i would! have a street party even!! i hope your new neighbours prove to be good ones for you, i reckon you deserve them to be! Any problems try and nip them in the bud as soon as possible is my advice,as people just take the p in the end if they think you dont mean business.
  5. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    pmsl have saved that pic!!! very good!
  6. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Great news Anthea [​IMG] [​IMG] Hope your new neighbours are "normal". [​IMG]

    Great picture Bobj [​IMG]
  7. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    Hi folks,

    We actually got my mum to keep the kids overnight on Saturday!!! [​IMG] This is the fifth time in six years we got a night out together [​IMG] but she only did it cos she got rid of my dad for a night [​IMG] And yes we did have champange ...and espressos and BRANDY [​IMG] wE WERE HOME BY 7.30pm (sad gits) we just can.t seem to do night times.

    Heard from my friends who live below NFH that she has already had to complain about the noise to the new neighbours [​IMG]

    Thanks to MGN, Pip etc for all your support, i don't think people realise how bad it can get with neighbours who are completely inconsiderate [​IMG]
  8. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    glad you had an evening out! and did have champagne!!! living below NFH's is soul destroying if music is involved. We used to have rap music 24/7 and a pool table above our head that they played through the night - we would go out during the day just to get away from it all. your home stops feeling like your home. the beat of the music goes through your bones and you feel sick. When we hear rap at all our stomach churns, we literelly cant stand that music now, it brings back bad memories. people who havnt had it cant understand it fully. when the environmental health visited they actually thought it was our music in another room it was so loud, yet they did nothing about it.
    At least there should be a log going back so youre friends complaint will just be another one added to the list which is good, let them keep digging themselves into homelessness hopefully, maybe then theyll get the hint that they have to take other people into consideration (but i doubt it!)
    We would never live above or below anyone ever again, i dont think you can take the chance of just who you might end up living beside - at least with a house they have no reason to be on your property and you arent feeling they are following you when you walk around and you are constantly aware of them.
    We could right a book about bad neighbours but so far we dont know how to actually get things done about them without repercussions, we just do the moving away as it seems the easy option.
  9. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Hi anthea [​IMG] glad you had a good night out [​IMG]

    Sorry to hear about your friends, hopefully your experience and advice will help towards getting these people sorted out and put where they belong.
  10. pip

    pip Gardener

    Apr 26, 2007
    Hi mgn [​IMG]

    Start writing, do it in a self help/advice style.
    Make some money from it and laugh in the face of the NFH who thought they were ruining your life,when they were actually giving you the real life foundation for your new best selling,globally available and soon to be made into a film, book. [​IMG]
  11. Rich

    Rich Gardener

    Jul 24, 2005
    We have new neighbours about 5 doors away and they only have two girls, but they scream all the time, and sound like a playground full of kids. Their next door neighbours moved away because of the noise.

    The new people who replaced them arrived with a trampoline and I now know how annoying those things can be.

    Enter the new people in the next house along. They have bought their son a drum kit and he practises in the garden shed.

    At least our next door neighbours are quiet even if they haven't spoken to us for the last 11 years.

    I don't want neighbours at my next house.
  12. anthea

    anthea Gardener

    Apr 9, 2007
    Hi folk's
    I so did not want to be the bringer of bad news but-----He's back!!!! :eek:It is all very complicated as our garden is along a path so the person who ticks us off is not directly associated to us. He appeared on a Tuesday night from abroad and the people, below had to complain yet again about the loud music, they tried hitting their ceiling with a broom handle but got no response so the father and son went together and were astonished to see their former NFH at the door . He then said that the father was lower than a speck of dirt etc.

    I am in a state of utter disbelief and all of the neighbourhood now think he hasn't actually sold but is doing some sort of scam.
    We don't think he has a building cert and if he doesn,t we will never get rid [​IMG]

    I totally understand where folks without kids are coming from, we had some around at the weekend but we asked the neighbours first and said it would be from 1-3 and do you know what? everyone was fine and all because we asked [​IMG]

    [ 17. July 2007, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Daisy-michaelmas ]
  13. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    pip, i am going to write a book, a horror, and lets just say the last few days have given me great inspiration for it!!! i have decided to use what i've been feeling and use what i've wanted to do :evil smily here!:

    Please keep your fingers crossed for us tomorrow, the house we wanted and didnt get? well we might still get it!!!

    the woman who got it hasnt shown up and she has till tomorrow afternoon, if she's a no show the keys are being handed to my parents till we get there!!!! :) :) :)

    so it'll mean me looking for one super quick sale!!! I'm thinking property company - yeh i know they offer less, but right now anything is welcome!!
    I'm so excited but i cant get my hopes up 100%, but the landlord made a special journey to show the house to my parents and he just turned up out of the blue, so he must really think she wont show up. Its had new double glazing just put in and been cleaned up - apparantly it isnt that bad now at all and whatsmore normal nice neighbours!!!!!!
    it's all coming at a cost though, i'll no longer be a home owner - but at the end of the day so flaming what!

    I didnt want to lose contact with this site as it has done wonders for my garden here and i really caught the bug, i'll hopefully be starting my next garden project soon!

    anthea, what are you all going to do? how many of you are there? can you all go together to the council en mass and make a complaint at the same time??? might be worth a try, then at least the council would know the extent of the problem. it would look better than individual complaints i think.
  14. mgn

    mgn Gardener

    Apr 28, 2007
    we got it!!! :)
    and getting 2 free weeks rent starting monday so got to move quick to get a sale - some property companies offer cash and cos theres no chain i cant see it taking long.

    my garden now is 80 ft x 33 ft
    get this
    my new one is 18 ft x 18 ft!!!

    should be more manageable though!
    i'm not bothered though, i'm sure i can make something out of it.

    sooooo hope to see you all soon for when i'm ready to start my next project!!!

    take care all! x
  15. tiggs&oscar

    tiggs&oscar Gardener

    Apr 29, 2007
    Hey mgn,

    I was about to pm you as I wondered how you were getting on. That's good news for you and I hope you do keep dropping in.

    TO [​IMG]

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