Might be of interest to Migraine sufferers you can now buy IMIGRAN over the counter in a Pharmacy,i get mine from my GP but its useful to know in an emergency.Details from this Website- www.imigranrecovery.co.uk
cheers gogs great to know, do you know how effective they are, do they take the ongoing syptoms away before they start, double vision, sickness and just a washed out feeling 24 hours or longer away. :confused:
Very effective for me Rosa (mind i dont get as many now) take 1 when i feel it coming on,mind i feel yuk for about 1-2hrs best to try n sleep for a while,then its gone no washed out feeling for hrs after.Doesn't work for everyone though,at one time i used to get migraine for days .
will get some gogs better than the norm iff they stop the worst effects, cheers speak later, have a good day, enjoy your painting the kitchen
What a coinsidence, I went to the chemist yesterday to get some migralieve and I noticed the Imigran but that was only after I had bought the migralieve. I take Naramig for my migrains, I suffer quite badly with them, sometimes I need to take paracetamol in between so its good to know there is something else available without prescription.
Are these over the counter things effective? do they have any side effects. I suffer quite badly sometimes, they have been known to last 4 days or so. I cut sugar (except fruit) out of my diet and that helped a lot.
Hi all,i personally have not tried it from the chemists,but by their web site info you are asked for certain info about your headaches beforehand to assure it is Migraine you have.They seem to be the same as i get from my doc,as i said before they make me feel awful for awhile but afterwards i feel so much better.
There used to be a Migraine Clinic in London, just off the north end of Tottenham Court Road, I believe. It was so structured that anyone could just pop in if they had a migraine and get it treated and have a brief period of quiet respite. It was well used. Of course, the clinic amassed a huge amount of clinical data and the one thing they confirmed conclusively was that every individual has a totally different experience of migraine!! Duh! Like we all didn't already know that?!! Sadly it was closed down around 1980-85 when the funding was withdrawn.
That is good to know Gogs, i suffer from them all the time. But i have to take dissoveable due to a problem with my throat.