Further to Paladin's balaclava from Granny:- going to school in short trousers, duffel coat, balaclava and idiot mittens (also knitted in hairy wool from granny) !
Having to wear for school, hats/caps in winter & straw boaters in summer, (very few seem to these days)gaberdene mackintoshs & of course the duffle coat [ 05. October 2005, 07:53 PM: Message edited by: Marley Farley ]
Never going out without a hat and gloves even in warm weather and even if you were just going to the cinema, Also "fleapits" where the front row of the stalls was 9d (9 old pennies!) Queuing for the 1/9s (or 2/3s of you were rich!) (that's one shilling and ninepence or two shillings and threepence) on Saturday night and being ushered in by a doorman in full, polished button livery with peaked cap and gloves!
My parents making me wear my school uniform, then getting on the bus in the morning for school and changing at the back seats into something more comfortable :eek:
Talking of balaclavas, the bit that went under your nose, in winter when you had a cold, was always full of..........(sorry forgot some people are having breakfast)
Elasticated, ruched swimming cozzies that filled with water, dragged you down into the sea ending up round your knees.
similar but called trunks in my case, and as they were hand me downs, they were down to my knees before getting in the water