Discussion in 'Gardening Discussions' started by Garden sponge, Jan 22, 2007.

  1. Banana Man

    Banana Man You're Growing On Me ...

    May 14, 2006

    Hip Hop moment init :rolleyes:

    Please feel free to PYSL at my drawing ability, but I thought this would make a good car sticker, no background just etched lines.


    Bit like this one, but perhaps with colour ?


    You stick it to the inside of the window and when you peel it off only the lines remain. Looks very cool, the ones I have.

    Clearly someone needs to draw it more uniformally. :D
  2. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    PeterS - love you truly too and will wear my red rose for you one day with or without the abundance of free plants!

    Actually it was a very bad day for me, so would not have ben a good day for us to meet up, but I still regret not being able to.

    as to the badges, yes we have had some badges made for pence and have to say wear them with pride and I think they are now considered to be an historic piece of memoribilia, though I dare not say what event they marked.
  3. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    oh and PS love BM's logo - a very neat simple designe FULL MARKS!
  4. Hornbeam

    Hornbeam Gardener

    Apr 29, 2006
    Working from BM's design...


    We can play around with this idea or maybe there are others???
  5. UsedtobeDendy

    UsedtobeDendy Gardener

    Feb 2, 2006
    Retired teacher and gardener
    Like that, HB - nice and simple, but clear. That's very much the sort of thing that none of us would be uncomfortable wearing, I would think.
  6. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    I would say the gardeners world show in the nec is the better of the two to meet up as its on a train route when you get off the train at the nec you just go in the doors of the station and you are their..Its on a main train route as well..and you can get tickets cheap in advance..perhaps those from essex areas could share a mini bus or cars ?? The nec is betwen bham and coventry and all the main trains pass through..frequently..I think the gardeners world show is good as their are talks on all day and you can just go to which one interests you..last year i was lucky enough to see diarmuid gavin and meet jekka mcvicar..if its raining that day their are plenty of indoor halls and bars so the weather wont be a problem,.. Their is also a plant swop every year where you take a plant and gardeners world gives you one in return..Their are places to leave your plants during the day while you shop for more..plenty of offers and free seeds manicures etc..food halls where you can taste different food and try country wines and whiskys etc..well worth a day out ..their are also all the charitys woodland trust herb society and many more ..their are organic composting displays and lots of give a ways..well worth the ticket money when you leave the show at the end of the day they give you a carrier bag full of food samples ..so you get your ticket money back in different ways..i suppose we could all get together and buy bulk tickets we could get them cheaper.. :D
  7. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    BBC Gardeners' World Live

    Supported by Birmingham City Council

    For gardeners by gardeners

    Make a new date in your diary - BBC Gardeners' World Live takes place from 13-17 June 2007 at The NEC Birmingham.

    Great shopping in the RHS Floral Marquee 100 carefully selected nurseries from across the country filled the RHS Floral Marquee with special plants for sale; plus more than 500 non-floral exhibitors offered every garden accessory imaginable.
    35 spectacular show gardens From picturesque country gardens to contemporary urban designs there was inspiration for all.
    Live entertainment More than 40 hours of live demonstrations from BBC experts including Monty Don and Alan Titchmarsh who entertained and shared their expert advice across all five days.
    Grow It! A new dimension to growing fruit and vegetables in the superb Grow It! gardens. Plus, a wealth of ways to create tasty home-grown dishes with a selection of celebrity chef and expert gardener demonstrations on the live stage.

    Tickets are now on sale and can be booked by contacting 0870 380 0143 or click here to book online.

    NEW for this year!
    We are introducing the Supertheatre where you will be able to watch gardening demonstrations from experts such as Monty Don and Alan Titchmarsh. When booking tickets in advance, you will automatically be offered a FREE session* in the Supertheatre subject to availability.

    Hot off the Press!
    Plus hot of the press we are pleased to announce the arrival of our newest attraction Music and Gardens for a Summer Evening. Join us for an evening's open air entertainment in the idyllic setting of our spectacular show gardens. Click here for further details.

    Also new for this year, BBC Gardeners' World Live will be co-located for the first time with the BBC Good Food Summer Festival and BBC Good Homes Live to create one amazing event and a truly outstanding experience. You will still be able to enjoy stunning show gardens and experience live demonstrations from celebrity gardening experts while also enjoying a feast of gourmet summer foods and celebrating every aspect of your home life.
    Tickets to BBC Gardeners' World Live will automatically give you FREE entry into BBC Good Homes Live and BBC Good Food Summer Festival at no extra cost.

    * This is a limited offer subject to availability. Please book early to avoid disappointment.

    [ 25. January 2007, 12:34 PM: Message edited by: wildflower ]
  8. Garden sponge

    Garden sponge Gardener

    Dec 15, 2006
    Sounds good to me but I would have to drive up I always buy far too much to get on a train,I wouldn't mind taking anybody local with me as well or getting a minibus if enough people interested,Ive rang the bookings number and
    10-19 people cost �£14.40
    20-44 same price but one free for every 2o
    45 + �£13.60 plus one free for every 20 and don't laugh ONE free show guide for us all to share, if we decided to go down this route we would have to,
    1/ decide which day to go.
    2/or if different people wanted to go on different dates do seperate group bookings for each date.
    I would suggest if we have enough bodies who would like to go that we use the free persons ticket and spread the savings between us to bring our entrance price down.
  9. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    Its really busy if you go on a weekend day and its easier to get around in the week..more space less people etc..But the nec is a huge place with many halls and outdoor displays as well..their is parking their as its also where the airport is its just one huge place..and the train runs through it..
  10. Garden sponge

    Garden sponge Gardener

    Dec 15, 2006
    from the flyer that I've got with Gardeners World this month the BBC good homes and BBC good food summer festivals are all on at the same time and the garden pass gives you free entrance to these as well. [​IMG]
  11. Garden sponge

    Garden sponge Gardener

    Dec 15, 2006
    wildflower missed your 11.10 entry and have just repeated you SORRY [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG] :D :D
  12. wildflower

    wildflower Gardener

    Mar 14, 2006
    garden sponge ..dont worry about it you need to start a poll to see what day suits the majority then work from their..
  13. helenmj66

    helenmj66 Apprentice Gardener

    Jan 23, 2007
    The Malvern Spring Show is another option in May. Much cheaper, free parking and lovely location
  14. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    Hi there,
    I think it would be nice to be able to meet all and exchange our experiences a few times a year, as part of members of the site. (i wouldn't mind a simple sticker instead than a big metal badge, by the way...)
    For me it is not so predictable though to know when I can be available, therefore I cannot really commit myself to say that i will be there if I then, on the day, I cannot make it.
    But if i had a few dates in which I know by sure that I am gonna find at least a few of you somewhere in the uk or Italy (ok, maybe not Italy! ), then I am pretty sure that this would be a good idea.
  15. Stingo

    Stingo Gardener

    Apr 5, 2006
    Would be good to meet up, I'm happy for it to be either of the two Bham shows or Malvern which is a lovely location.

    I was thinking of going to Chelsea, here's hoping I get a ticket for my birthday [​IMG] I have hinted...

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