Smothering Weeds

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Sunshine, Apr 5, 2005.

  1. Sunshine

    Sunshine Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 4, 2005
    It seems to be general policy these days to cover any fallow ground or weedy ground with black material in order to smother or inhibit the growth of weeds. I suspect though that this does the garden more harm than good especially during the winter as it provides a nice comfortable ahbitat for snails, slugs and other enemies of the garden.

    I prefer the old method of initially digging and handweeding, as this clears the ground of the major perenial weeds leaving mainly the annuals to be dealt with and incinerated on a hot day

    Whats your opinion ?
  2. greenhouse goblin

    greenhouse goblin Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 27, 2005
    Hi sunshine, i have a large problem with snails in my garden so i dont want to cover the weeds to give the snails the pleasure of a good home, i say dig them out and get shut, i just need to conquer the snails, i have tried every method going i think,how bout you
  3. Bayleaf

    Bayleaf Gardener

    Mar 22, 2005
    Hi Sunshine & Greenhouse goblin

    I too suffer from snails - millions of them. Used to lob them over the fence into allotments (But have taken these on so am paying the price) till I found out they have a homing instinct!! When I moved here the garden was over run with couch & sticky willy. I did the black plastic thing & dug & hand weeded. Still get outbreaks of the weeds, but are much, much more manageable, have found they have diminished over the years as I keep on top of them. The snails did't move in until I started properly cultivating the garden (about 2 years after the black poly treatment). So I think it was the scent of delicious cultivated plants that brought them in. I spray susceptible plants with coffee solution, and it works for me. Have slug pubs too - kept far enough away from prize plants so that they don't have a takeaway after they get drunk! I think it depends what time of year you do the black plastic thing. I did mine over winter & was able to dispose of many beasties that had "hibernated" under it when I removed it (including gorgeous leather jackets :eek: . I think if you do it over the warmer months you may entice them to breed, but again I'd use it as an opportunity to mash them! Lots of people use glysophate, but I won't because they've now discovered it does persist in the soil, and its made by companies who sponsor genetic engineering. I suppose you just have to use your own discretion & learn to manage the results if possible!
  4. greenhouse goblin

    greenhouse goblin Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 27, 2005
    Hi Bayleaf, about this coffee thing i havn't tried this yet ( bout the only thing i havn't, you should see me late at night parading round the garden in my jim jams, it seems they must know when my bedding plants go in the ground they come from miles around ). Anyway how do you mix the coffee solution, are there any plants not to spray it on, does it discolor them, and most of all does it keep them awake all night?
  5. greenhouse goblin

    greenhouse goblin Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 27, 2005
    Hey bayleaf, i found that last year the only plants that my lovely snails didn't nosh were bizzy lizzys im not sure if its because they dont like them or if its because there was too much other choice in the garden what do you think
  6. Sunshine

    Sunshine Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 4, 2005
    Hi Bay Leaf and GG,

    Further to my earlier comment, i have just returned from helping a fellow allotmenteer with his garden and he lifted up a patch of black plastic and there were five of biggest snails I have ever seen. Suitably well fed they seem to have been resting, so much for black pol!!!
  7. Bayleaf

    Bayleaf Gardener

    Mar 22, 2005
    Hi all
    If you find 'em under black plastic its the ideal opportunity to squish 'em!!! lol
    They've never eaten Buzy Lizzies in my garden either.
    Buy the cheapest most horrid instant coffee, get one of those hand sprayers from Wilko's, put about 4 tablespoons coffee & top with water. Spray every evening for a week on most vulnerable plants. Top up after damp weather. It does discolour them initially, and your garden smells like a cafe, for a bit but this soon wears off. I also offer them slug pubs for the subsequent squishing!!! People have advised me to use bran, but I find the slugs just swell up, then have a big poo & off they go again! Am going to try copper tape & ground sheet this year - will let you know how it goes. Nematodes are ace for slugs, water on from end May/start June, then again August. Oh just a warning - I found 5 lily beetles today in my garden (dutifully despatched, so keep a look out folks!) :eek:

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