hiya guys, i just thought id waffle a bit bout what me and brian have been doing in the garden today.! it been so loveley 2day i thought id mow the lawn, the first cut of the year,the smell of fresh cut grass is great! brian decided to turn the compost over in our compost bin, as this is a really smelly job to begin with i left him to it, but when i came back the compost hed taken out and spread over the borders was fantastic! icouldnt belive it! better than the bags you can buy!(smug!) then i took last years herbs out of the window box and planted them in the front garden, and have put new herbs in window box. finally decided to sow some seeds in my greenhouse(my little baby) did chocolate hollyhocks, sweetpeas,giant cosmos, sunflowers, and white foxgloves me and brian finally sat down in the garden to check out our efforts with a large glass of red and a ciggy(bad habit i know) what a wicked day! (im going all poetic!)
A bit better day than here in Derbyshire chick Its been a damp miserable drizzly day all day...still got some work done in the greenhouse though
also from derbyshire, agree with steve w loads to do but went to pub, now not as miserable as the day, hic, speak to you all tomorrow.
Sounds fab. Chocolate hollyhocks-delicious! Poor lil-lisa stuck at work :( . Grey & damp here in Notts too. poured some voddy instead & watched work stacking up outside windows, hope we have better weather tomorrow . Thursday & Friday were great, got loads done, + in other gardens too. First cut is the sweetest eh? Have taken on an allotment & its swimming in weeds & rubbish, need to crack on before the brambles start triffiding again. :eek:
Sounds a great day, I could hear you purring There is nothing better than that sit down, on a nice evening after getting your hands nice and dirty in the garden. Here too its been lovely albeit a bit cool - so fuchsia cuttings potted on, pansies dead headed, lawn cut, delphinium stakes in place and tot plants of delphs and rudbeckia watered. Even managed a little light weeding, or not so light in a couple of places (muttering at the ground elder leaves poking through despite round up). Feet up now, with a cool lager.
Dont mention round up. I did once but I think I got away with it. ( Fawlty Towers for those too young to remember it)
god i just love faulty towers!!! poor maniwell( however yoou spell it!) my fave is the one with the hotel inspector and he finds a rat in the crackers that sybil offers him!(or a siberian hamster!)
thats gotta be one of the best, isnt that the one where, manwells got his head behind the moose thingy, and the major thinks its talking to him?!!!