Rose Pruning - Should I??

Discussion in 'Roses' started by Bashy, Apr 19, 2008.

  1. Bashy

    Bashy Gardener

    Mar 4, 2008
    This is only my second year of gardening. I have 7 rose bushes (4 David Austin).
    I pruned them quite hard last autumn and they arte growing really nicely now, but I keep reading in the gardening mags that I should now be pruning my roses.
    Should I do this?
    If so, how hard?
    Is it necessary to cut back all that lovely new growth?

    Also, am looking at buying another couple of roses. How close can I get away with planting them together with already established bushes?

    Thanks again.
  2. Sarraceniac

    Sarraceniac Gardener

    Aug 6, 2007
    Hi Bashy. WOO is really our rose expert but I think he has not been too well so until he gets back in the swing can I stick my oar in?

    Firstly I am def. not into roses but my old dad was and if I can remember his methods (I won't get upset if a more modern gardener contradicts) he used to prune just once a year, so if you prune in autumn don't prune in spring. There has been no growth over winter so don't bother.

    There is such as a thing as rose exhaustion in the soil so don't plant them very close together. I think 3 or four feet is what I remember.

    There is actually a thread devoted to roses on GC and you may get a better answer if you re-post this question on there.
  3. Bashy

    Bashy Gardener

    Mar 4, 2008

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