oleander flowers dying....

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by helen, May 14, 2010.

  1. helen

    helen Gardener

    Apr 1, 2010

    I have a "Nerium Oleander" about 1,10m in a pot outdoors.
    Bought it from a garden centre about 6 weeks ago and has seemed to adapt well.
    However, even though there are loads of buds appearing,they don't seem to bloom and the few (3 so far ! ) that actually seem to be ready to bloom don't.
    I've been checking them and when they're just about to flower they drop off dead !?
    The flower seems a little "rotten"
    The tree itself looks in good health, no signs of bugs or mildew/rot...whatever...

    So any ideas ?

    It has been raining alot recently,maybe the soil's too wet....

    Grateful for any ideas

  2. Victoria

    Victoria Lover of Exotic Flora

    Jun 9, 2006
    Lady of Leisure
    Messines, Algarve
    Hello Helen

    You don't say where you live. If you are in the North of the UK then there is no way they can be surviving there outdoors now. If you are in the South you have a better chance.

    I live in Southern Portugal, Algarve, and Oleander are a native here and mine have only started getting buds let alone flowering and they live in the ground not pots.

    I really can't advise you on your problem except I should think they have been 'brought on' by nurseries and your weather has been too cold and wet for them. They are a 'hot country' shrub (mine are 3 meters tall) and like dry heat after a wet winter.

    Perhaps someone who has knowledge of them, perhaps strongyloden or pete, can come along and advise you what to do with them in the UK, if that is where you are.

    Good luck and I hope you can save yours.
  3. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    It's way too early for oleanders in the UK to bloom. We had 3 grown from cuttings taken in Greece and they only put out a few tiny flowers in late July. Sadly this winter's really hard frosts has killed them off despite being wintered in a greenhouse.
    You may see a few growth buds appearing, but you'll need to wait a while before anything happens.
  4. helen

    helen Gardener

    Apr 1, 2010

    Yes sorry I forgot to mention, I live in Brussels.... Summers and Springs here are warmer than southern UK but Winters harsher..... I bought the Oleander in a garden centre in Brussels and was told they do well in full sun and can survive in temperatures as low as -6 (max). My patio is in full sun all day (when it shines!).
    You're probably right that's it's too early for flowering , it's just that the Oleander has loads of buds ready to bloom and so I naturally thought it wouldn't be long before it was in full flower....
    Was obviously a bit sad to see first few flowers drop off before fully opening and wondered if I was doing something wrong...

    Thanks for your replies !

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