Seedling Disaster??

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Allison, May 13, 2005.

  1. Allison

    Allison Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2005

    I have repotted all my Dahlia, Sweet Pea and Cosmos seedlings - they are getting on really nicely and are outside hardening off.

    Yesterday I watered them and all the pots started foaming. Earlier in the day I had caught my darling 4 yr old daughter with my washing up liquid. Putting 2 and 2 together it turns out that she had very kindly 'watered' my pots with it. :eek:

    Can anyone tell me if this is going to kill the plants?

    I am so down in the dumps.. moved here a couple of years ago and it was just one big patch of bare earth - I have put in loads of work and it's all coming together. These plants were just going to make that last bit of difference this year. :(

    I couldn't get disappointed with my daughter. I thought she was just trying to copy what she's seen me do. And I do encourage my kids to get involved with the garden. But then she told her daddy that she had done it because I wouldn't give her some chocolate!!!! :(

    Any advice would be appreciated. ;)
  2. Allison

    Allison Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2005
    Advice on the plants that is... not on child discipline!

  3. dalbuie

    dalbuie Gardener

    May 8, 2005
    HI Allison

    I would probably try repotting them again taking as much of the soil away as poss trying not to disturb the root to much, its always worth a try [​IMG] and I would suggest putting the washing
    up liquid out of reach [​IMG] I have three little darlings so I know how much they just love to help!!!!
  4. slugbug

    slugbug Gardener

    May 3, 2005
    Hi Allison,
    I have heard of using diluted washing up liquid to kill off greenfly on plants, but how much and in what quantity I dont know.Good luck. I have one boy aged 9 who also likes to help by leaving the grenhouse door open. My cucumber is still just holding its own trying to recover. Kids dont you just love them.
  5. Allison

    Allison Apprentice Gardener

    May 3, 2005
    Thanks Dalbuie - the plants all look ok today (24 hours later) - I will water them in a mo and then check again in the morning.. if they look like they are flagging I will repot.

    Jacqui: I have actually sprayed diluted washing up liquid on a honeysuckle to get rid of aphids and it seems to have worked! So I will keep my fingers crossed... it was antibacterial washing up liquid so maybe I'll just have very healthy plants! :rolleyes:

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