fragrant clematis- but I cant smell it!!

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by lazy-gardener, Jul 21, 2006.

  1. lazy-gardener

    lazy-gardener Gardener

    Mar 2, 2006
    Wonder if one of you can help me out. Earlier this year I bought 2 clematis both of which are scented. They are Betty Corning and flammula Rubromarginata. They are doing really well and have grown tremendously and have recently started flowering but there is just no smell to them. Have I been sold duds? :D I have tried at different times of the day just to surprise them but they still won't give me a trace of tantalising odour. what's up with them do you think
  2. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Dave_In_His_Garden Gardener

    Feb 28, 2006
    good question, LG. There are loads of plants I am told have a wonderful smell, but I can never find anything other than a faint odour! But then there are others such as viburnums and certain rhodies than send me into raptures with even the slightest whiff! Funny, isn't it?!

    Perhaps the smell comes along when they're a bit more mature? I have found one website that says the "Betty Corning" variety has a "glorious smell", another that says it is "slightly fragrant" and a third that does not list any smell at all! :confused:
  3. SallyJ

    SallyJ Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 19, 2006
    Have you had any rain recently - some plants need a bit of dampness in the air to bring out the fragrance. I checked up on clematis "flammula Rubromarginata" and again got different info - one site says "delicious scented" - the other a "slight almond fragrance"!

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