1. Tracey Greenfingers

    Tracey Greenfingers Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 13, 2010
    Hi there :help:

    I have a little dog but it is not out in the garden all of the time.

    Next door has a cat that likes to hang around in my rockery, nr my veg and do its poo, also it walks through and poos in my pots that are newly planted. If the plant pot is over flowing with leaves /flowers it leaves it alone.

    Do you have any tried and tested suggestions for keeping the cat away and or stopping the cat pooing in my pots and on my rockery...

    I could put some mesh across the top of the pots until there is some growth perhaps.

    I was also thinking of the Big Cheese cat deterant that makes a noise that only the cat hears but I think it might upset my dog.

    Thank you :o
  2. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Hi Tracey

    Oh dear. I'm afraid some cats don't exactly make themselves popular.

    One easy way to keep them out of your pots is to stick lots of twigs into the compost until your plants are established, preferably using something thorny! I used some rose prunings last year and these worked very well. You can also put them around favourite plants in borders. Cats like luxury, and dislike uncomfortable facilities. The worst thing you can do is give them a patch of beautifully tilled earth.
  3. Tracey Greenfingers

    Tracey Greenfingers Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 13, 2010
    Great ideas, thanks Clara Lou..

    I have plenty of twigs etc I will get to work tonight :)
  4. ClaraLou

    ClaraLou Total Gardener

    Aug 12, 2009
    Er ... while we are on this rather unsavoury subject, a house down the road from me has the worst problem with cats-behaving-badly that I have even seen. The girl who lives there decided to gravel her garden a year or so ago. Word quickly got around to every moggie in the neighbourhood that there was an unusually commodious public litter tray in the vicinity, with a full-time (if strangely grumpy) human attendant on hand to keep it scrupulously clean.

    So if anyone is thinking of digging up their grass and replacing it with gravel - be warned.k-l
  5. olivia99

    olivia99 Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 27, 2009
    That's so funny, ClaraLou!!! :hehe: Poor girl...

    Tracey, I've heard those ultrasonic repellers can work on multiple animals at once, so I wouldn't have been at all surprised if they affect your dog... There are lots of other deterrents you can get though. If you don't want cats in your garden at all, you can get those fence/wall spikes, you just line them up along the top of your fence and cats can't get in your garden.

    If you don't mind them getting in, but just want to control what they do/where they go, I would recommend scent deterrents. I actually have a cat so obviously those spikes are no good for me, but I use this product called 'Silent Roar' to keep my kitty away from my plants along the borders. It's actually pellets soaked in lion wee!! So my cat doesn't want to wander into lion territory and so stays away :D If you're interested, I get mine from this site here:


    I've looked elsewhere too, but this company are really fast at delivering and I've always found them really friendly. They have a wide range of products too if you want to browse; I've just found I like the Silent Roar best.

    Hope all this helps anyway!

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