
Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Roy F, Apr 2, 2006.

  1. Roy F

    Roy F Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 5, 2006
    The wife,s just got two to put in pots will they be ok in pots and do i need any special compost or will general multi purpose be ok
  2. Waco

    Waco Gardener

    Mar 24, 2006
    Depends on what kind they are, I have a white one grows to about 5/6 foot if kept under controll. A nice pink one that I grow up a pergola, A gold leafed one which is small and compact and qhite a common one ?apple blossom? which just looks like a big shrub most of year.

    I have found them easy, in lime soil, though wind played havock with gold leaved one.

    good luck!
  3. Dave_In_His_Garden

    Dave_In_His_Garden Gardener

    Feb 28, 2006
    Hi Roy,

    General purpose should be OK as far as I know - as they are more often grown as hedging plants however, they may need moving up from your pots in a few years. I found this on the "crocus" website:

    In the first spring after planting tip back the main branches to encourage bushy growth. Thereafter, little or no routine pruning is required unless you want to restrict growth. In this case prune after flowering. Wall- trained specimens should have flowered shoots cut back to a sideshoot near the main framework of branches that will grow and produce most of the flowers the following year. Escallonia grown as informal hedges can be trimmed now that flowering is over. Bear in mind that the harder you trim the less flowers you'll get the following year. Old and neglected plants can be cut back hard, but you will loose the flowering display for a few years. If flowering finishes very late you could leave pruning until the following spring.

    Hope this helps!

  4. Roy F

    Roy F Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 5, 2006
    Thanks will give them a go in the pots knowing the wife she will want something new in the pots in a couple of years anyway the ones iv,e got are called red dream grow two feet spead two feet

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