Can anyone identify the climber in the picture below please, Also can anyone tell me how to take cuttings if possible or if not how to propagate new plants from it.
Looks like Akebia quinata (choclate vine)you can take cuttings of half-ripe wood, July/August the cuttings can be slow to root Cuttings can also be taken of soft wood in spring Root cuttings,can be taken in December and kept in a warm greenhouse. Layering in early spring. Very easy, the plants usually self-layer and so all you need to do is dig up the new plants and plant them out directly into their permanent positions. You can of course grow it from seed
What a stunning looking climber! Id love to grow this. Presumably fully hardy? Good luck with the cuttings
thats a Akebia quinata (choclate vine) just got 2 myself. looks stunning that plant has the smell of some say chocolate others say vanilla??
Thanks Yes it has a gorges smell in the evening, I would say a mixture of chocolate/vanilla with a touch of flowers. It is also evergreen. I have taken cuttings, dipped in rooting powder but they just dried up and died. I have tried both hard wood and new growth