Didn't know where to put this :confused: Lifted a stone today and found mummy spider with her little "bundle". She had completely wrapped herself and her bundle inside a fine mesh. I wonder if she stays there until all the little ones have hatched. How does she eat? Where's dad? I'm sure someone will know the answers.... Yes, I did replace the rock :D
Hi Kryssy nice shot, the female spider will not eat while with the nest she will have fed well prior to laying her eggs the last meal probably was the male, they actualy eat to bursting point before laying and this sustains them until the eggs hatch, when the spiderlings hatch they feed on an egg sack for a couple of days then any weaklings in the nest will be predated on before the little ones disperse on a short thread to set up on there own.
Crikey, Walnut, how do you know all that stuff? It's fascinating. I will pop back and look under the rock now and then. I quite like spiders and I'm always the one who puts the ones in the house out into the garden. Hubby tends not to like them much. It's mice with me - I'm up on the table before you can say "I think there's a mou.............." Cheers Walnut. :D
What luck to find the spider in her nest with her eggs kryssy! Please do keep an eye on it and hopefully you'll get a shot when the babies hatch.
Mamma still in situ and no news so far. My neighbour brought her grand daughter over today - aged four and a half - and together we will await the babies. Trying to explain in french what was happening was a bit tricky but I think I managed it. Four and a half is a bit tricky in any language don't you think :confused:
Kryssy spiders eggs can take anything from 1-3 weeks to hatch they will feed on their yolk sacs for about 3 days before dispersal,its good you are getting the little ones interested in nature, not enough of it these days.
holy moly thats MASSIVE im frighted stiff of spiders little ones i can cope with !! i would of ran down the road screaming please tell me you zoomed in and it is really a small one :D
Sorry - I have let you all down. Not been to visit in a couple of days and mamma and the little 'uns have up and gone before I could photograph them. I'll be more vigilant next time.