Wall Street Journal Container Gardeners

Discussion in 'Container Gardening' started by PaulD, May 27, 2007.

  1. PaulD

    PaulD Gardener

    May 13, 2007
    Afternoon All

    Hope we are all keeping well?

    Did you know that the Wall Street Journal features Gardening? No, nor did I! well that is until last night when I was looking at the statistics on my Blog at http://www.gardeningcolumn.com and noticed a referring domain name that looked vaguely familiar but not one that I had associated with Gardening! I followed it through and there was my humble little blog being featured as a recommended resource at the bottom of an article on Container Gardening.

    feel quite pleased about that one if not a little surprised - the moral of the story being you can turn up anywhere with your websites and blogs!

    Take care

  2. oktarine

    oktarine Gardener

    Aug 12, 2006
    Pleasantly amazing isn't it!

    I did a search for "Grow your own veg" on several search engines and guess what I found on 3rd page of google !

    It would be nice to get to number 1 on first page - wonder if that will ever happen !

    I'm going to start a link directory on my blog - let me know if you want in ?

    And anyone else too .

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