Colours to match driveway

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by midnightrose, Mar 18, 2008.

  1. midnightrose

    midnightrose Gardener

    Mar 17, 2008
    Hi, sorry if this is in the wrong section! I am thinking about getting this driveway (Rivenhall, near the bottom of the page) installed and I was wondering which colours would complement it? The colour is called 'autumn gold' so I was thinking perhaps some nice dark reds etc? I am a bit braindead when it comes to colours that match so hopefully you nice people can help? :confused:
  2. Tigerlily

    Tigerlily Gardener

    Jan 30, 2008
    Hi Midnightrose - this sounds like quite an easy colour for planting with. As you say, you could go with the Autumnal range (reds, oranges, golds)which offers the chance to use some lovely dark-leaved foliage.

    Or how about more of a contrast, by choosing some yellow plants set off by blues/whites/silvers?

    How much planting space is there, and what are the conditions (aspect/soil etc) like?
  3. midnightrose

    midnightrose Gardener

    Mar 17, 2008
    Thanks for the reply Tigerlily.
    Really, blues/whites/silvers? I would never have thought of that, See what I mean about braindead now ;)

    We will have a lawn to one side of the driveway and a small bed to the other side, perhaps 2m wide. The garden is south facing. I wish the back garden was south facing!
  4. borrowers

    borrowers Gardener

    Jul 28, 2007
    Hello midnightrose,
    I'm no expert on colours & far from an expert at gardening (just an eager learner), but i would have thought with the 'golden' colour of your drive you could go for all colours.

    Would think it was abit like 'cream walls'.

    Don't worry, if i'm wrong someone will let you know. You'll always get lots of advice.

  5. Tigerlily

    Tigerlily Gardener

    Jan 30, 2008
    Hi again. South-facing would work really well for a silver/gold/blue theme.

    For year-round foliage effect, what about the silver-leaved "curry plant" (helichrysum italicum), and lonicera "Baggenses Gold" (this can be clipped to a nice dome or whatever shape you fancy) Perovsia (Russian Sage) has silver leaves and spires of blue flowers too.

    If you have room for a climber, clematis "Emilia Plater" or "Blue Angel" would be good.

    You don't say what the soil is like - if poor, dry and difficult, old-fashioned single hollyhocks can be jolly good. And as it happens I have some seed from yellow-flowered plants going spare....

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