Hi, Ive been told that I can take cuttings from brambles and simply poke them in the soil to grow more bushes, surely the cuttings will die ? If not, i will be out with my cutters tomorrow.
Hi, backache, and welcome to GC! I'm not really sure about this but I think it might work. Someone will surely come along and correct me. If you have room for brambles, then I would say go for it. Good luck!
Thanks for the reply, I should have put this at the bottom of the thread I started yesterday. I have room for anything sharp and prickly that grows quickly and makes people say 'ouch'. Am I right in saying that now is the right time of year and I should get my act together before the april showers ?
Having left there, I can't answer that but I am praying for our April showers and I certainly would be!
I've not tried this time of the year backache. Late summer is good for tip layering. You just pull down the tip of a long shoot and put a large stone on it or cover it with soil, they root fast then.
Hi backache and all folks. You want to root brambles. well just cut a bit off and shove it in a hole, Or take a branch and layer it, (peg it down onto the soil with a large staple or bent wire), or poke an end of a branch in a hole or a pot, whilst still attached to the parent. You can do any of these from about now if you see buds on the branches, until about Oct. infact you could shake a bit of bramble at the soil and it would take root. Don't worry about killing the cutting, YOU WON'T. Brambles have a very strong desire to take over the world.
Thats all the encouragement I need ! Im going to get the cutters out and go bramble mad, planting cut offs all along the boundary. There is an old straight wire fence about 3 foot high, its useless for keeping people out but could be great for training bramble cuttings. Thanks everyone