Overgrown allotments

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by Eileen 2, May 28, 2005.

  1. Eileen 2

    Eileen 2 Apprentice Gardener

    May 28, 2005
    I've just been offered an allotment and it's like a wilderness. What's the best way to clear it :rolleyes:
  2. Bayleaf

    Bayleaf Gardener

    Mar 22, 2005
    hi Eileen
    best way to do it = patience, hardwork, axe, bill hook, secateurs, loppers, saw, spade, fork..... if you have access to brush cutter all well & good, but don't use it without protective gear. ditto axe & bill hook. You may be advised to use chemicals, but they kill indiscriminately, & you may lose some treasures such as fruit bushes, if you adopt a "spray all" policy + there is evidence that systemic herbicides DO linger & affect soil flora & fauna. I have a large series of lotties which I am clearing (layers of weeds, rubbish,more weeds, more rubbish...) Have found some gooseberries, red & white currants, & raspberries which I am restoring (would all be lost if sprayed). It is very hard work, but very, very rewarding. Go for it gal!
  3. SteveW

    SteveW Gardener

    Feb 1, 2005
    Hi Eileen

    Best to do it in stages or areas over a period of time, and also better if you have someone to help or take turns like we did

    feel free to mail me if you get into difficulties [​IMG]
  4. weed puller

    weed puller Apprentice Gardener

    May 25, 2005
    Hi Eileen

    I have taken on an allotment this year that was very bad if I can I'll up load the pics later. To tackle mine Idivided it up int four 11foot x 25foot beds so that I could start putting veg in straight away in the first bed I put in potatoes. Any way I have now dug all the four beds I have room at the four a simular size fruit area and the allootment association have kind let me have a green house that was donated to them. I think that was a softener as 2 months in and they were asking if I'd like to take the chairmans position little did I know how much trouble this was going to be :( , though now starting to settle in to it and sort out the trouble makers. All the same it's great fun and you get to healthly at the end of it.
    KInd regards weed puller [​IMG]

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