Lack of help from allotments office

Discussion in 'Allotments Discussion' started by milmar, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. milmar

    milmar Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 17, 2006
    I have recently taking over an allotment in Sheffield. When I first saw the plot it looked like a dense forest, but there was a decent shed on the site, so I took up the tenancy. After four or five weeks, I have managed to clear the plot, but initially I found that the help, or advice given by the allotment office was nil, the attitude was you took it, you clear it. Paths on the site in places, are deep with pot holes, rubbish is strewn about the site, there are no facilities to get rid of rubbish and no help from the allotments dept. Do other allotment holders experience these preoblems, or is it only in Sheffield.
  2. good digger

    good digger Gardener

    Feb 8, 2006
    milmar you have the right to expect certain standards on the allotment site, if i were you i would ask for a copy of the allotments constitution and ask for a copy of the allotments rules, am i right to presume that these allotments belong to the local authority?
  3. sam k

    sam k Gardener

    Aug 17, 2005
    Hi milmar,
    Is the allotment owned by your local council?
    Go directly to them, which is what I did when I had similar problems and they sorted most of them out. Also have a chat with other allotment holders and see how they got around problems
  4. elainefiz

    elainefiz Gardener

    Oct 17, 2005
    Hi milmar,when we got our plot it had been vacant for over 3 yrs. Mr.fiz shifted 4 loads,at least 10 ton of rubish.2 vandalised green houses with the remains of a built in stove,foundations included,and a grapevine.We ended up hiring a JCB.No skips available,nothing.No help what so ever.We were promised 1 yrs free rent(it worked out at 8 mnths).I think the thing with the commitee(do you have a commitee ?)is, they get a bit too laid back if theyre allowed to.Before you fork out any money for the hire of skips and the like, make sure you`ve put it to all commitee members(they`ll argue in an empty house if one of them thinks they havnt been informed.)and thy`re all agreed.We made the mistake of taking one mans word that we would be re-embursed.No way maggarrat.
    Good luck.
  5. milmar

    milmar Apprentice Gardener

    Nov 17, 2006
    Thanks to everyone of you for the advice given.Mil

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