Can anyone identify these coming up in the woods where I work...obviously not snowdrops, daffs, or bluebells...could it be wild garlic? First attempt at adding photo so fingers crossed!
Could be. Easy way to tell, crush a leaf and that onion/garlic smell is unmistakable. Great rafts of it grow near me in woodlands that was once part of a large estate.
Looks a little like a type arum to me - with that spear of green and the leaf uncurling from it. I shall be interested in seeing what it is when a bit bigger. Congratulations on a successful upload
Looks like Arum to me too,I've got some at just this stage in my garden. Common name Lords and Ladies!
Not convinced about Lords and Ladies (Arum maculatum) Although common in the UK it's not normal to find it in Northern Scotland although it could have been planted at some time. Ramsons however grows all over the UK. Lords and ladies [ 16. February 2006, 06:34 PM: Message edited by: frogesque ]
Hi frogesque, you're probably right! I haven't heard of Ransoms and I didn't know that Lords and Ladies were regional.
Hi rudham1 I've just looked up Holkham Hall, WOW! How long have you been there? What is your actual job there? I thought I worked in a lovely place, but you must feel privaleged too to be working in such gorgeous surroundings. If anyone works as a 'gardener', they must come under the category of enjoying their hobby and combining it with a job! We are very lucky.
Just to bring this up to date: Here's a couple of pics of Ramsons (Wild Garlic, Allium ursinum) I took today. Absolutley positive about the identity of these emerging shoots. That onion-garlic smell from a crushed leaf is realy powerful! With some snowdrops [ 27. February 2006, 05:35 PM: Message edited by: frogesque ]