Anybody any tips on keeping bracken under control without resorting to chemicals? Part of my garden borders a field with bracken growing on the farmers side of the hedge which naturally creeps through up into my patch. Last year I resorted to walking round every day chopping out the young bracken growth as it appeared which took about half an hour each day and was a real pain. Any advice would be much appreciated.
Stop cutting!! Bend the stems to weaken them (use your foot) as they come through in spring and through the season. It slowly weakens them then in the autumn cut off and compost them. The more you cut the more they are stimulated to grow! We use an old lawn roller here in we(s)t Wales!!!
Thanks for that advice - seems logical. Problem is most of the young shoots come up through a lawned area which gets mown every week or so throughout the growing season so they are cut anyway. s'pose I'll have to live with it or bite the bullet and spray with something. Anybody any suggestions?