Hello, yes I know I'm not very good at identifying plants in my garden but I'm just learning so sorry to be picking your brains again. Any ideas ? :( It is growing in a border that I have not cleared since we moved in (hence the rather large weeds!) Heather
Hi Heather, it is a Schizostylis Coccinea, commonly known as a Kaffir Lily. They tolerate full sun, also like to be planted around a pond or somewhere their roots are kept moist. Fabulous colour, mine are more a pale pink Sue
Hi Sue, Thanks It is a fab colour. The photo really does it justice. Do you think it will tolerate being moved? We are planning to clear the border where it is now to extend the lawn and I don't want to lose it. Heather
Hi Heather, they can be lifted and divided but not until Spring, they will die back in the Autumn. If you do need to move them before then try to take as much soil with it so as not to disturbe the roots too much and give it lots of water when you replant it, then keep your fingers crossed that it will come up next year. Sue