Hi all, It's been a while since I've been on the forum. Lateish last year, my wife gave birth to our son and I didn't get round to closing up the garden before winter set in. It's a mess. Started going through it at the weekend. Digging up annuals, cutting away all the dead growth and getting rid of old pots and basket plants. When it comes to my roses, not sure what to do. Was going to leave it till Feb because I remember reading somewhere that if you miss the Oct/Nov deadline of pruning roses, leave it till Feb/March. However, when I looked at the roses, there are lots of new growth. Should I prune now? Leave it a while? Or not prune at all? Thanks
Good morning Bashy congratulations my friend My advice is that you can prune your roses, now is a good timeThis will Encourage new growth and bloom ,Remove dead wood and Improve air circulation Some rose growers wait until March but I prefer Jan/Feb as I find that in March the sap is already rising,this is purely my personal choice
..........just what i wanted to ask next! Winter came upon us so quickly i never got my roses pruned back either, and now here in Cornwall everything is shooting and I have started to gingerly prune some of the roses worrying that they may not be happy about this! Thank you - i feel better now and will go and prune some more!
Hello! I've got a well pruned rose bush in a pot which my MIL gave me to plant . It's very frosty and the soil is hard and I'm wondering when I should plant it? Thanks for a brilliant forum :-)))
Good afternoon Squirrelnutkin and welcome my friend :thumb:,Do you know what type of Rose it is in the pot(H/Tea or Floribunda) etc.My advice at the moment is to wait until the frost has gone,there,s plenty of time yet(February/March)
This is a very useful thread for me - thanks. I will be planting 2 rose bushes in pots ( floribunda ) this weekend . Is it correct to prune them when first planted ? Or do I just tidy up the dead and damaged stems for the 1st year ?