My veg plot and orchard project.

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by euroboy, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. euroboy

    euroboy Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 4, 2010
    So, I have an area of our plot that doesnt really get used for anything - its a bit of a pain truth be told as it takes me bloomin ages to mow it in the summer!
    So for 2011 a veg plot and orchard will be constructed, we have started small with room to expand. The veg plot is about 90 sq M, and we plan to have around 40 trees when we plant in the autumn.
    Back in September 2010 we covered the ground with black sheeting and left it until October.
    When we took the sheet away it had done a pretty good job of softening the ground and killing the grass.
    We hired a rotavator for the day (god send) and made pretty light work of turning the soil. We then mixed in some organic fertiliser and let it be
    This month I have started on the pathways and border - at the moment the stones are only loosely laid out - they will be set in the ground once it has thawed and no longer has the consistency of concrete!
    And thats where we stand now.
    We are planning to grow 'easy' stuff this year to see how it goes. The soil seems to be well drained and fertile but I dont know exactly how things are going to be.
    If we enjoy it and the crops go well we will add a glass house and will probably expand the size of the veggie plot, we have the luxury of space so can basically go as big as we like :) We are planning for apples, pears, cherries and plums in the orchard.
    Im hoping for a successful 2011 season:dbgrtmb:
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Hi Euroboy,

    Smashing project, i'm sure you'll get loads of veg from that.

    Fruit trees are a good investment too:thumbsup: But think about a net cage for the cherries, the birds will have them away as soon as they are ripe.
  3. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    That looks good Euroboy, you've done a lot of hard work, I'm sure it will repay you over the years and reckon you will expand the plot once the bug bites, you are lucky having such a big plot :dbgrtmb:

    Keep us posted on your progress.
  4. BigBird

    BigBird Gardener

    Apr 12, 2009
    Hello Euroboy,

    Your project is looking great!! Keep us posted on your progress :dbgrtmb:

    Bigbird :)
  5. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    Hi Eurobuy,

    You have a lovely sized plot of land, you have done a great job of getting that ready for your home grown tasties

    When you say 'easy suff', do you have anything in mind?

    I'll bet your plot will expand before the year is over :)

    Good Luck with your new project and hope it rewards you for all your efforts.

    - Luke -

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