Tel's Suffolk Garden

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by firsttimer, Mar 6, 2011.

  1. Kristen

    Kristen Under gardener

    Jul 22, 2006
    Suffolk, UK
    Bit late now, but digging decent-depth planting-holes with a bulb planter, and sieving soil into those, and then planting a small-pinch of seed at each planting-station (and then thinning the seedlings to have only the strongest, a few weeks after germination) would be a potential alternative strategy!
  2. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Somebody told me to use a crowbar to punch holes 18 - 24in down then fill with a mixture of sand and compost, ram this into the hole then plant 4 seeds and nip out weakest 3 anybody now how much sand.
  3. Paladin

    Paladin Gardening...A work of Heart

    May 13, 2005
    Retired but still grubbing the soil.
    Broadway UK
    Hi Tel:)
    Nice to see the work you have done so far...Have you planted up your plot yet?
    I've had a peep at Facebook too.
  4. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Well me Rhubarb is in not sure if its going to take but as i said before it has 2 choices


    Well got me Parsnip seeds in today, glad i only have to do that once a year my bloody back and knees are killing me also put a row of mixed Radish seeds in as well.


    Also had some spectators today well they've been there all week and they pose a big problem from my purple sprouting when it goes in. I swear they were mocking me, kept flying really low over my head.


    Tomorrow afternoons job Onions, yes i know i'm late. Bloody forgot i brought them as they were out of site out of mind. Once thats done not much else might sow some early leaf salad.
    Nxt weekend i'll be looking at me carrots, beetroot might also nip to me mates to see how his garden is going and get me runner bean seeds Wisley Magic they did frantastic for me last year tried saving me own seeds but they went missing.
  5. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Well onions are in with the anti cat, pigeon, dove, blackbird and starling string didn't get much else done as me tweeked me back getting out of the car today so just helped mother put some shrubs in. Heres the onions


    Got some free Lollo Rossa seeds today might look to sow a few in pots on the patio will see.

    So thats me Rhubarb in, Parsnips in, Radish in, Onions in and me first earlies in, this weekend looks to be another busy one going to try and sow a row of Carrot and Beetroot. Might also pot up some Caulis and P Sprouting as well see how it goes will also sow my first batch of Leaf salad under cloches, and i've still got to buy strawberry planter 80l of compost and 36 strawberry plants oh and put them in on sunday, stupid question time can you mix strawberry types ie normal and everbearers?
  6. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Been in the garden this afternoon after work needed to de stress. So i've sown a few seeds got sprouting broccoli, caulis and 2nd earlies in, i've also been a bit adventurous and planted some Lollo Rossa and 12 Gourd butternuts all free so if they don't germinate i've lost nothiung just a bit of time. Feel a little bit better although the stress has been replaced as usual with my depressive moody state so win some lose some. Hopefully more sun will cure that problem any heres the pic.


    Friday weather permitting my 1st row of carrots and beetroot go in also my french mix leaf salad is going under my cold frame, picking up my topsoil for my other 2 bays aswell so hopefully i'll have 5 fully functioning plots by the end of the months. Fingers crossed.
  7. Tiarella

    Tiarella Optimistic Gardener

    Feb 19, 2007
    Romney Marsh
    I've been reading through your thread and enjoying all the photos of your progress, Terry. You've certainly got a lot done and I bet you're looking forward to seeing things sprouting up through the earth - a wonderful sight!
    Great stuff :dbgrtmb:
  8. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Will have another photo for tomorrow as my radish shown their little green heads so will need thinning out. Couldn't believe it this morning looked in the green house and the hollyhocks have said hello, me 1st earlies are starting to show themselves.
  9. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    You're doing a fantastic job there :dbgrtmb:

    Did I notice you said you are growing butternut squash? Do you know how much space they take up? It can be a pretty large area so they need to be away from the other plants and definitely not in your nicely prepared frames.
  10. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    Hi ya People fresh from the garden again. Well i'm a happy chappy today sore throat seems to be on the mend and i have lots of energy so i thought lets put it to good use, boy how warm was it today?

    Thinned out me radish sort of will give them another go before they properly set


    Carrots and Beetroot are in and nicely tucked up in there poly bed


    Did sprouting check today and boy did i get a supprise it appears that my leeks have now made an appearance along with my first earlies and 1 or 2 of my onions heres the picture of the biggest sprout


    But with this joy there hasd come some sadness you see i was preparing the ground for some more of my salad leafs and the worst things happened THIS!!!!!!


    THe sadness is because this was my grandads when he was alive been in the family 30 odd years so officially i am a gardener in mourning. All i was doing was raking then snappy and an owey from me and this is the result. E-bay here i come.
    As for the Butternut squash i'm not growing them for me i'm growing them for friends although might try and fit another bay in for me just for that we'll see they may not even germinate.
    More to follow folks so keep reading and waiting
  11. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    What a day its been the suns been shining the birds are the new dove fledged today and i was witness to it all. Got home from work at 3.30 today to an empty house so i thought i'd try out my new rake what a bargin £4.39 from my local QD OMG they've loads of bargins couldn't believe my eyes when i see an irrigation kit for £3.99 when they're £30 in most catalogues. Anyway rake worked fine so got me bed ready for the salad leaves and i thought might aswell pop a couple of small drills of radish in aswell then put the cold frame over with some slug pellets for good measure the slippery suckers got to my line of radishes before i could pellet them up.


    The Forum F1's are really coming along i think everyone has now sprout and are reaching for the skies.


    Right now to my problem. One of my Logan's has really bushed and is coming on nicely but this one seems to have stopped setting buds from the bottom of the branch to the bud at the top any ideas what to do, do i cut it back or leave it?


    Also would this be enough room to plant my Butternut squash seems i have this piece of plot left and i don't want to waste it or any ideas what would grow here as it gets the shade for half the day, due to the fence at the back.


    Last question, my 2 new plots do i just dig out or do i lay something on the grass to kill it first any ideas folks answers on a postcard or forum.


    Also might be getting an allotment plot soon it appears my local site is crying out for young fresh blood not sure what i'm going to need to start off ideas greatly recieved tohe areas approx 250 squared metres.
  12. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    I've been in the garden this afternoon and boy is it alive my tatties have gone ballistic, my onions have joined the party. The priority today was to weed out my radishes and parsnips.


    Also found that out of 18 locations all but one of my parsnips have germinated i'm quite chuffed especially after people kept telling me theyh are notoriuosly hard to germinate


    So alls well in my lovly garden just waiting for tuesday as i'm picking up my wisley magic beans from my friend and checking on his garden.

  13. firsttimer

    firsttimer Gardener

    May 11, 2010
    HE'S BACK.
    Seems a little bit of weeding was all i needed. Boy have i had a productive day. Me toms have been put in their final homes (growbag with three pots in). Then got me weeding cushion out and found my parsnips in between the weeds now all weeds gone and my parsnips are looking splendid, then i weeded me onions bloody bindweed wrapped it self round most of them. Then decided that my parsnips needed protecting from me 7 cats so i put up a nice mesh fence round them inbetween the rainstorms. Feeling quite pleased with myself now thanks guys for the tips and encourage meant. Will be doing more tomorrow as i'm way behind in the garden stakes but i'm closing on the rail.

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