Robbery at Asda

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Lyn, Mar 8, 2011.

  1. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    My step dad was a security for years. He said they are told that their role is as a deterrent, and a pair of eyes and ears, someone to phone the coppers if anything happens.

    They don't get paid very much. Often just minimum wage, certainly not enough to risk getting stabbed over.

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    You're right, Clueless. It's a low paid job, long hours, unsocial hours, and sometimes not good conditions. I've got a lot of respect for them, especially the patrolmen doing a sometimes dangerous job for very little money, after doing consulting for them.

    People tend to see the uniform and only the uniform. A uniform means Authority to most people and it doesn't take long for the public to see Security as a substitute for the Police with the same powers - and therefore why is he/she tackling that nasty person who's shop-lifted or stolen a purse etc. What you've actually got is a low paid person in a uniform, who's got a family to feed and pay the bills for.

    He/she also knows that should they get injured and hospitalised for a period they'll not get paid by their employer nor the State, while the criminal will be told not to be a naughty boy/girl and let out on the streets the next day. A Security Officer does not have the same powers of arrest as a Police Officer and only has those of you and I - Citizens Arrest.
  3. Lyn

    Lyn Gardener

    Feb 25, 2006
    Industrial carpet machinist
    West Midlands
    I think the security at Asda is more to stop people stealing from the shop.
    Than to protect the customers.
    The man is sat between the 2 door with the alarms on.
    If the alarm goes off he searches the bags.
  4. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    Yes... the same doors with alarms that go off usually when I walk INTO the shop! :heehee:

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    You're right Lynn. The Security Officer is primarily employed in the Retail trade to stop shop lifting and act as a visible deterrent to thieves.

    Now, Luke, why would that happen??!!:scratch::loll:
  6. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    Probably because i'm returning that packet of seeds I accidentally slipped into my pocket :WINK1:

  7. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    I used to teach self defense to womens groups. I was invited to give a demonstration to a group of women from a Battered Wives Hostel. All of the women were the victims of domestic abuse, some of thier stories made my blood boil. Rather than trying to teach them fancy martial arts, I used to teach them how NOT to be a victim. The physical part was all about how to throw a really good punch and what to aim for. Not being sexist but most women have no idea how to defend themselves.

    Many of the women in these groups used to carry things like a pair of scissors or a pot of pepper in case they were attacked. They say the law is an ass, but in fact these women were commiting serious criminal offences because the reason for carrying such items was not thier originally intended purpose. Besides which, by the time they had rummaged around in thier handbags, the attacker was long gone after getting what he wanted.

    I have retired from bodyguard work now, only do the odd quiet little job if I am paid enough to make it worthwhile or I know the person concerned. I no longer do any debt collecting, concert security or club/pub door work. I have been stabbed 8 times, been hit with heavy glass ashtrays, stilletto heels, bar stools, bottles, glasses, pickaxe handles and baseball bats. Had lumps of concrete and bricks thrown at me. Besides all the stuff I had thrown at me in the army including petrol bombs, acid, ammonia, urine, used sanitary towels, dog mess etc etc. Being in among supposedly glamorous people kind of loses its attraction when that sort of thing happens. I am covered in scars from more than 30 years of fighting other peoples battles.

    I will post again to continue this.


    I was raised to believe that stealing is wrong and there is no excuse for doing it. This country has a benefit system that should ensure that nobody is starving. So when one of my best friends was the victim of bike thieves I was very angry. Myself, my friend and four other guys went looking for the bike.

    First thing we found was a yob riding a motorbike that had the rear light smashed, no number plate and it was hot wired. It was not the bike we were looking for. We held onto the little scrote until the cops came to collect him. He wasn't hurt.....much and the bike was collected by a grateful owner.

    We carried on looking and found a group of yobs with bikes that had been stripped down. The attitude and foul mouths on these scumbags was unreal. One of them challenged me to a fight and I burst out laughing. The little swine ran at me with a bike chain wrapped around his hand. I side stepped right at the last second and hooked his feet from under him, then stamped on the hand with the chain wrapped around it. He screamed and burst into tears as he ran off. The cops came out AGAIN (We had to wait nearly an hour) only to find that the scrote had told the cops I HAD ATTACKED HIM! Not true and I had five witnesses to that fact. The cops looked over the bike, I had to show them where to find the chasis and engine numbers and the bike proved to be stolen. The scrote was carted off to the nick via the A&E unit. I had broken his hand and he needed some stitches. I got a warning off a police sergeant about using force!!! We heard his radio and the control room were warning officers that I was out looking for a bike thief and they should respond immediately to any calls from the public!

    By this time I was sort of losing my sense of humour. We had recovered two stolen bikes, held onto one thief and our actions got another thief nicked, yet the police were more concerned about what MIGHT happen to a scumbag bike thief.

    We toured the known hangouts of the scumbags and found a group of them at the back of some garages. We got lots of abuse when we asked questions, by this time I really had, had enough. The one with all the mouth was standing close to me and telling me that we could not do anything to them or we would get arrested and then they would sue us. I grabbed him by his family jewels and squeezed very hard, I am often told I have a very strong grip. He was up on the tips of his toes and making all sorts of funny noises. A few seconds later he had told us who had stolen my friends bike and where we could find it. I left four of my mates with the scumbags while me and my friend went to check out his story. I had told the scumbags if they had been lying we would be having a further chat with them.

    We got to the house and found the scumbag in the garage busy stripping parts of my friends bike. Soon as the scrote saw me, he went for me with a very large Bowie knife. My fist connected with his face as my arm straightened. All 18 stone of me behnd it. When the police arrived en masse, I had one knee on the back of his neck and my thumb pressed under the corner of his jaw. The police sergeant looked at the yob who was bleeding a lot and said to him "I bet your glad I am here now"!

    The yob was carted off in handcuffs in the back of an ambulance with a copper. I had to go to the station to make a statement and my friend was left to wait for the recovery vehicle to collect his bike. I made a staement at the nick and went home. At 05.20 I was woken by the police who had come to arrest me. I was taken down the nick and left in a cell for three hours before being interviewed by two CID officers. The yobs father had complained that I had broken into the garage and attacked his son. I had broken the yob's nose and jaw and the father wanted me done for it.

    The fact that the garage door was wide open, my friends bike was in the garage and the yob was busy stripping parts of it and when I arrived the yob attacked me with a Bowie knife was irrelevant. My friend was also arrested, his account of what happened was almost word for word the same as mine. The CID decided to let us go on bail pending further enquiries. I had to return to the police station four times before they dropped the charges against me.

    The cops searched the scumbags house, much to the annoyance of the father. They found the Bowie knife and a huge pile of stolen goods, including a hell of a lot of bike parts, credit cards, mobile phones, jewellery and womens handbags. The yob got put on probation for 12 months and fined £75. The father got done for for handling stolen goods and got 6 months suspended sentence.

    There was over £2500 worth of damage to my friends bike and he had to pay the insurance excess of £500. Plus time off work to go to court and all the hassle of getting his bike put back together. He sold it soon after as it was just not the same bike again.

    In court I got a dressing down from the judge because I should have let the police find the bike!! We had found three stolen bikes, plus a whole hoard of stolen goods and rounded up four criminal scumbags in a couple of hours. The police gave my friend a crime number.

    Theres more.

  8. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    While I was on bail after the above mentioned fiasco. I found out the true state of things regarding bike theft in the local area where I lived. Myself and my friend decided to do something about it. On average a bike was being stolen every 18 hours, just from the immediate town centre.

    I asked around and found that there was one particular group of scumbags that thought it was thier god given right to steal any bike or any other property that they wanted and god help anyone that tried to stop them. Two of this group were twin brothers. The sons of known drug addicted, alcoholic and violent parents.

    I let it be known around town that I knew these two were stealing bikes and that I wanted to have a little chat with them. I was with a couple of mates when I got a phone call from a guy that I had been friends with for years. His daughter used to call me Uncle Chop. I once put one of my Harleys on show at her school fete. She had left school and was working. Her dad, my mate, had bought her a little 125cc scooter to get to work on. She loved that little bike and was so proud of it. Me and her dad took her out on her first ride. We were on our Harleys with her in between us. Poor kid was on her way home from a night out, when a car pulled up alongside her at the traffic lights. Guy jumps out and smacks her in the face, knocking her off her scooter. The yob kicked her in the ribs, jumped on her scooter and rode off.

    Me and four other guys went looking for the yob and the scooter. Poor kid was taken to hoispital with suspected broken ribs and a bloody nose. Her dad was climbing the walls. I persuaded him to go home and be with his wife and daughter, while me and the other guys carried on looking.

    About an hour later we saw the swine, no helmet, smashed rear light and no number plate. I knew that bike. The yob turned out to be one of the scumbag twins. No mistake, it was him. One of the guys phoned the cops and off we went to catch him. I was on a big Suzuki enduro bike, no way could he out run me. I caught up with him pretty quickly but he didn't want to stop. I cornered him on an industrial estate, got off my bike and took my helmet off.

    I saw the light gleam off the balde he had. Turned out to be a 10 inch carving knife. He was quick on his feet and he scored a couple of near misses before I managed to catch his arm and wrist. Having a metal plate in the top of my forehead has its uses. Bang, lights out! My mates arrived just as the yob hit the deck. The cops arrived a couple of minutes later. Ambulance was called and he was still out cold when they got there, with a nasty gash across the bridge of his nose. Cops were good as gold this time. They asked if anyone had touched the knife and then bagged it. The bike was a bit of a mess but was covered in the yobs finger prints. That was taken in by the police. I had to go to the station to make yet another statement.

    While I was at the station making a statement, an inspector came into the room and told me that the yob had claimed I had attacked him for no reason and set about him with a lump of wood, plus kicking and punching him several times. His solicitor made it known to the cops that he was fully aware of the previous incident and my involvement.

    The cop taking my statement agreed to me taking a break and having a smoke outside. It was while I was outside the police station that the copper noticed a long slash in the front of my jacket. That jacket was heavy leather and had armour inside it. The slash had gone through the leather and the armour. There was a corresponding slight cut on the surface of my sweatshirt. I had to surrender all of them to the cops as evidence, plus my boots. My hands and forehead were swabbed and I had to give a DNA sample. I was again placed on bail pending further enquiries. Not put in the cells this time but was given a lift home to get my spare jacket and boots.

    Few days later I get a visit from the police to inform me that no further action was being taken against me. The swabs from my hands and boots were clear of any evidence that I had kicked or punched him. However, my jacket and sweatshirt were kept as evidence. I was also told that the scumbag was actually on licence from another prison term and on bail for offences commited while he was only just out of prison. To say I was a tad surprised by this was putting it mildly. The slash in my jacket and shirt proved that he had tried to stab me. He was going down for a long time, or so I was assured by the police. They also told me that when I head butted him, I had broken his nose and cheek bone, the gash needed 12 stitches. He had to have his nose re-set and had two shiners. Good I thought, serves him right.

    Before this went to court, I had some unwelcome visitors. The scumbags brother, along with two cars full of assorted yobs turned up at my house in the early hours of the morning. Apparently looking for me to extract some revenge. What they did not know was that no one was at home. Myself and several friends were on our way back after a night out on the bikes. All of us were ex soldiers. All of us had worked or were still working the club doors. All of us had done martial arts or boxing or both. None of us liked scumbags.

    Where I lived there was only one way in or out, no escape. The yobs were out numbered. We had a little character forming chat with all of them. All of them got a good stiff talking to. All of them were made to take off their shoes and socks. All of thier phones some how got broken. Both cars were severely trashed and the yobs made to walk bare foot back to town (About 5 miles) while nursing thier bumps and bruises.

    When I went to court about 6 months later, the yob that started it all got 6 months suspended and a years probation, plus a £200 fine. My friends daughter has not ridden a bike again and is still scared to go out on her own.

    This is a true account of what happened. A lovely young girl was attacked, she wouldn't harm a fly. Her pride and joy was stolen from her. Her dad and his friends all had lots of hassle from the police. I still feel very VERY angry when I think about what happened.

    I will leave you all to decide if my actions and motives were right or wrong. This is the real world in which we now live. The world created by years of poor, incompetant and inneffective government of a once great nation. One that I used to be fiercly proud to have served. I now often wonder why I bothered.

  9. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    ... I was joking ... :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3: :cry3:


  10. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Chopper, if you and your mates ever fancy coming up our way, I'll buy you pint.
  11. miraflores

    miraflores Total Gardener

    Apr 16, 2006
    mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
    [size=large]For a start I would like to see working those who are able to do so. That should take a good part of timewasters off the street. Thank God I think we are heading that way...[/size]
  12. clueless1

    clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

    Jan 8, 2008
    Unfortunately I don't think we are seeing more people at work. Quite the opposite in fact, in the UK at least.

    However, unemployment is no excuse for robbing people. When I was 18 I did six months unemployed, and hated it. I was so skint, and I could see local bad'uns with all sorts of stuff that I couldn't afford. At the time the news was full of stories about 'rehabiliting' young offenders by putting them on courses to do things like build a racing car, or do a police driving course. All these things were unavailable to me because I was honest and law abiding. It was so tempting to get myself a criminal record just so that I qualified for all the free perks being offered to young offenders. I was even turned down for a place on an engineering training course because I hadn't been inside.

    Despite all this, I stayed on the right side of the law. Why? Simple, because it is always wrong to rob people.
  13. Chopper

    Chopper Do I really look like a people person?

    Mar 18, 2009
    Seal Clubber
    Ilminster, SOMERSET
    Bang on target.

    All too often we hear of scumbags trying to excuse appaling behaviour on thier parents, home life, unemployment, drug habits, lack of civil/human rights. Armies of social workers fall over themselves to help scumbags while the victims are treated as lepers.

    I am a registered disabled War Pensioner. I have several serious health problems. I am entitled to claim all sorts of benefits. I have had several visits frompeople with such grand titles as "Benefits Claims Advisor" telling me I should be claiming this, that and the other. One of them told me that my benefits should total around £300 per week. How the hell they can come to that figure I do not know.

    I am paid my War Pension, thats it. I earned that the hard way.

    I had a very rough home life. The only thing worse than not having a father, was having my stepfather. I still never robbed anyone and never will. There is no excuse for it. Period.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    I know you were joking, Luke!!!:D But do the police!!!?:scratch::what::loll::rofl:
  15. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    I was more worried that Chopper didnt know I was joking... and the impending punishment :help:


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