gardening help

Discussion in 'New Members Introduction' started by welsh_, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. welsh_

    welsh_ Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2011
    hello im new so need lots of help :)

    we have a garden thats about 200 m square

    its full of weeds and very uneven so we had a landscaper out and he said he can just dig it up and lay turf over it and all the weeds would die ? is this right or what do i need to do

    please help i need all i can get thx
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Are you sure you mean it is 200 metres square and not 200 square metres. :scratch:

    200 metres square is approx 10 acres :rolleyespink: :)

    Either way, I wouldn't be keen on your landscaper's way of doing things. If the weeds are perrenials then they would eventually grow through the turf. It sounds as though you have quite a lot of weeds and a good proportion of them are very likely to be perrenials. These need to be dug out, then you should wait some weeks to see what pops up and then use a good systemic weedkiller on those that pop up.

    I'd be inclined to get a number of quotes from different landscapers with the full details of what they will do for you.

    Even 200 sq m is fairly large and it is likely to be quite expensive. If it is 200 m sq you will need to be a millionaire. :heehee:

    Good luck :dbgrtmb:
  3. welsh_

    welsh_ Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2011
    yes thx for that it is the smaller of the 2 :0
    its all uneven and weeds everywhere just need to know should we kill it all 1st then dig the lot up
    and then turf it ?
    and will it be ready for the summer all the help would be good :)
  4. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Hello there and Welcome. :WINK1:
  5. daitheplant

    daitheplant Total Gardener

    Dec 19, 2006
    South East Wales
    Good evening Welsh_ and welcome to the site. DO NOT let this guy near your garden, he is not a landscaper if he just wants to turf over weeds. Where abouts in Wales are you?

    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    Hi Welsh, welcome to Gardeners Corner. As you've just met Shiney you get an idea of what we're like:D
  7. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    'Ere, watch it, ARMANDII! :th_scifD36: :heehee:

    Welsh, a photo would be of help but weedkilling it first, removing the perrenials then digging it over would be a good start. Then wait to see whether anything has survived the weedkilling and dig them out. Then you will need to level the ground and turf it.

    I'd still be inclined to get some detailed quotes first. Then if one of them seems to be planning to do the job properly at a price you can afford then you can go ahead. If you can't afford it then at least you will see what is entailed in the job and how long it might take. If professionals are doing it then you will have a lawn for the summer. If you are doing it then it will depend on how much spare time you have.

    you will, of course, have to decide what type of grass you want and that depends on how much wear and tear you expect it to have - and how much time you have to maintain it.
  8. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    Hi Welsh,

    Firstly, welcome to the forum!

    I am a self employed landscape gardener. Last year we had a contract to turf 2400sq M of very uneven land. I would back up everything Shiney has suggested, seems like sound advice. The chap who gave you the advice of turfing over the weeds is suggesting the typical bodge job... and a bad one at that.

    On our job aside from using weedkiller, we had a JCB perform the clearance and levelling, and then reapplied weedkiller after... but on a smaller scale, we would have ensured we had dug out far more root before the second application of weedkiller. The land we turfed was an extension to a cemetary, so in the long run... its only going to be dug up again. :cool:

    Again, get a few quotes from local companies. If your still struggling... give me a call :heehee:

    Best of luck
  9. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    [​IMG] Welsh.. I can see you have had plenty of advice.. :D So looking forward to seeing you around.. :thumbsup:
  10. welsh_

    welsh_ Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2011
    hi all and thx for info i live in carmarthenshire[hr]
    ok i would like to say thx to all who are helping here im now more confused than ever in what to do :0

    our garden is say 22 meters long and around 9 meters wide its uneven and full of weeds and grass now what is the best way to sort it out so the kids can play on it by the summer ?

    here are some options that we have had from people -

    take the top layer off and take it away and dig it up and put weed killer down and plant seeds---

    put weed killer down kill it all then dig it up and level it then plant seeds ---

    can you very kind people give me the right way to do it and the cheapest way

    so we can give it a shot :dbgrtmb:

    im from carmarthenshire if anyone is near :help:
  11. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    You'll probably get 6 different answers from 6 of us :heehee:

    I wouldn't be keen on removing the top layer and carting it away as you will lose some of your topsoil which is very important.

    If you can get a reasonable quote from a professional, and good job then that would be the way to go. I'm sure Luke would be able to tell you whether any quote seemed reasonable.

    Otherwise, weedkill, then dig and remove all the dead grass and weeds and try and dig out any tougher weeds that may have survived. Then leave it for a couple of weeks to see what is coming up. Then weedkill again. Then dig over again, removing any plants, and prepare the ground for either seeding or turfing. If you seed the ground then it will be longer until the kids can get on it than if you turf it but we aware that even turf needs time to bed in before it gets heavy wear.

    Weedkill, wait 3 weeks,
    clear and dig, then wait 3 weeks to see what pops up
    weedkill again and wait 3 weeks
    dig and prepare the ground
    turf or seed (if using turf then a tough rye grass will probably be better)
    leave turf for 3 - 4 weeks before heavy use (kids tearing around)
    if using seed then it will be considerably longer (another month)

    So it will not be ready for heavy use until late summer but for light use can be from the start of the school holidays.

    Luke may be able to give a better idea on timing.
  12. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    Actually, again Shiney, your advice seems pretty solid.

    The quick answer:

    The right way would be just as Shiney has described in the last post
    The Cheapest way would be to seed, rather than turf, and do the work yourself.

    The long answer:

    You will be saving a CONSIDERABLE amount by doing this yourself, however, it is heavy work, especially if turfing. Getting someone in will save you the backache... it all depends on your personal situation... i.e. if you are physically able to carry out the work.

    Your area is in the region of 200sq M. So your going to need 200 rolls of 1sq M turf... which will cost approx:

    £1.75 per roll = £350

    or £25 for cost of seed for the whole area.

    There is also the cost of waste removal. It all depends on the people who you get in. Some may have a waste carriers licence and will get rid for less, whereas others (like myself) would have to get in a skip... which cost a small fortune these days (approx £150 for a 8yrd builders skip)

    Of course there is then the labour cost... which would be eliminated if you carried out all the work yourself.

    I would prepare to expect prices in the following regions:

    TURFED BY SOMEONE ELSE - £1200-£2000
    TURFED BY YOURSELF - £400-£500
    SEEDED BY SOMEONE ELSE - £900 - £1600
    SEEDED BY YOURSELF - £150-£250

    You will find that quotes from different compainies vary greatly. Also, be aware that there are many different qualities of turf, ranging from around £1 a roll for bog standard meadow grass to up to £4 for high quality putting green turf.

    You will need something around the £1.50-£2.00 mark considering you will need fairly hard wearing turf for you kids!

    If you need any more advice, just ask

  13. welsh_

    welsh_ Apprentice Gardener

    Mar 17, 2011
    ok this is getting better now:)
    we are going to kill it all first and then dig it all up we also going to put chippings down
    can you tell me what depth i need to dig for this i think we will do it 10m x 5m
    can we use timbers around the edge say h 90mm x w 50mm to keep it in ??? help needed
    and we are going to seed so less cost there and do it ourselves.:thumb:
    with all your :help:
  14. lukenotts

    lukenotts Gardener

    Feb 3, 2011
    Self Employed Landscape Gardener
    Nottinghamshire - UK
    It all depends on what you want. If you wish for the chippings to be the same level as your lawn, then you could dig down about 2 inches, lay out weed suppressant, and throw back on around 2 inch of chippings (2 inch is 5cm or 50mm). If you wanted a little step down to your lawn, then no digging would be required.

    a few tips:

    You could always throw the dug out soil to where you are going to seed... that would save on waste removal.

    Use retaining boards to hold back the chipings from the lawn. On my own garden, I use decking boards fixed with screws to vertical stakes hammered into the ground. The decking boards look fairly decorative compared to ordinary planks of wood. Remember to add additional treatment, as the wood will be in constant contact with moisture.

    Buy your chippings loose (rather than bagged) where possible. Works out far far cheaper. The only thing is that you need somewhere for the wagon to dump it.

    You will need between 4 and 5 ton of chippings for an area of 50sm M (5m x 10m)

    Good idea :thumbsup:
  15. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Just checking my thread subscriptions

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