Yawn yawn - wakey wakey..!! Mk 4

Discussion in 'The Muppet Show' started by Louise D, Mar 24, 2011.

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  1. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Morning Louise hope the day at the Tropical garden went off ok and that you had a good time.Love your avatar by the way:thumbsup:

    Shiney there are a couple of golden plumand orangey red trees near our duck pond that the landscapers put in a few years ago and they are just starting to fruit nicely but the village youths are picking them to throw at each other like they would if they were snowballs so there are not many left :mad:

    We picked the first two runner beans last weekend and there are some more coming on.The black fly has been drowned by the heavy rain we had last Friday so that is good and my butternut squash plants are starting to run:yess:

    I pay £9.90 for a dry cut at one of those walk in places in our town as i only want a dry trim and if I save up five of the till receipts i get a free hair cut next time it needs doing so i think it is good value.When i went to Idolz when it opened in our village the other year a wash and a trim set me back £31 {eeek}so i haven't been back since.I have come to the conclusion i shall have to let my hair go grey as i haven't got the sort of money salons are charging to have it dyed every few weeks and would be rubbish at trying to do it myself :D
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Kandy, £9.90 is very cheap nowadays so you've got yourself a bargain. :dbgrtmb:

    We started to get blackfly about a month ago and then it suddenly disappeared :yess:. Our butternut squash aren't doing anything :mad:.
  3. Penny in Ontario

    Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

    Sep 7, 2006
    Work for my husband.
    Ontario, Canada
    Good morning everyone,

    Its another nice day here, and no humidity!!

    Off to Toronto for Brad in a few, and need to make another stop on the way back for him as well......so have a great day everyone.
  4. Kandy

    Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

    Apr 23, 2006
    Head gardener
    In the Middle Of Blighty
    Good morning everyone,

    Shiney the young lady that cut my hair yesterday was having a right old rant about her mum and there was more of the stuff that they spray onto the hair to make it wet before cutting on the mirror and i thought she was going to scalp me but it was ok and at the end she only charged me £8.50 so was well chuffed.Did any of your staff ever work when they were having a strop?:D

    Had a good afternoon at the allotment and got loads done and i see we have some more runner beans coming on so they will be ready for picking at the weekend:)

    Misty here this morning but it looks dry so hopefully it will end up being a good day.:sunny:

    Have a good day everyone:sunny:
  5. Louise D

    Louise D Total Gardener

    Mar 24, 2011
    Somerset Coast
    Morning :sunny:

    Kandy, Abbotsbury was one of the best days out i've had in ages :D
    We didn't go to the Swannery because this was more of a plant and garden trip ..... and what an amzing one, i came home buzzing with ideas and actually have a 'project' now :WINK1:

    I plan on buying some palms and will most likely buy and plant them next spring so that they can have the longest amount of time to settle before colder temps arrive, one of the biggest challenges is finding one that actually will thrive in the very hot, very dry and very sunny spot i have there in the front garden but if you do a bit of research you soon see which will easily accomodate all 3 'demands' !

    What fun :WINK1: :thumbsup: :rolleyespink:
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Good morning everyone,

    It's dull at the moment but they forecast it to be in the upper 70's today and quite muggy.

    I got a new bird peanut feeder yesterday as the old one had fallen apart. With the nyjer seed feeder that someone gave me the other week that now makes four feeders on my candelabra stand. I'll do some more pottering around the garden today and shall need to put up a some form of climbing frame for the passion flower that Mrs shiney has just been given.

    Louise, I'm pleased you had a good time at the gardens. They tend to have their own microclimate as they are in a densely wooded valley but they do give you some wonderful ideas. :thumbsup:

    Kandy, my staff weren't allowed to rant about anything. They were allowed a bit of a moan but the whole idea of giving a service is to make the customer feel comfortable and relaxed. So it didn't matter how grotty or annoyed they were they had to put a good face on it. On the inside of the staffroom door was a large notice, that was in their face before they went into the salon, that said "Smile! You're on stage."

    Mirrors had to be kept spotless. Before everyone went home at night the salon was cleaned thoroughly by the apprentices and during the day it was the responsibility of the stylist to make sure that their mirror and working area was kept clean. They could ask an apprentice to clean things if they weren't doing anything else, otherwise they had to do it - no excuses allowed. I never asked an apprentice to clean things for me but always did it myself, so it set an example. There is no excuse for a dirty mirror - it only takes a quick wipe with a towel and there are plenty of those around.

    One time, the Environmental Health Officer phoned and said he was going to arrive in 10 minutes to do an inspection. When he arrived he said that they had never inspected hairdressing salons and that they were a low priority but the local council had asked them to do it. He said they wouldn't normally have taken any notice of the council's request but they had a quiet period so thought it was a good idea.

    Over the next couple of days they inspected every salon in town - nearly 30 of them. The following week there was a report in the newspaper saying that most of the salons passed the inspection but should do better. They then mentioned my place and one other salon saying that if we could keep our salons clean and healthy then there was no excuse for the others. Brilliant publicity :yess:

    About a dozen of my ex-staff have their own salons now (I helped all of them get their businesses started) and one of them told me that they have never forgotten how I made everyone responsible for keeping the place clean. She always says to herself that I might pop in at any moment so she had better keep her salon spotless. :heehee:

    Have a great day :D
    • Like Like x 1
    • Penny in Ontario

      Penny in Ontario Total Gardener

      Sep 7, 2006
      Work for my husband.
      Ontario, Canada
      Good morning everyone,

      Its overcast and starting to drizzle here, we do need more rain, so hopefully it'll rain all day.

      Have a couple errands to do for Brad, and need to go to the grocery store too.
    • takemore02withit

      takemore02withit Gardener

      Apr 8, 2008
      Thank you Kandy we are fine. Still breathing lol. Loads of hospital appointment between us in the next 12 months but we are not complaining, people a lot worse off than us.

      I like you, kandy get a dry cut it saves me £10 if Id had a cut and blow. I dont like the way they blow my hair anyway, always come home and do it the way I like it. :)

      Great you are enjoying your beans off the allotment. Al's daughter has an allotment and was looking forward to sharing it with her, but she has involved so many friends there isnt enough to go round.

      Gona have to invest in one of my own I think.

      Take care everyone. Thinking of you X
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning everyone

      Had to get up early as I can't sleep due to a flipping cold I have picked up from somewhere and since yesterday my throat feels like it has been scraped with sandpaper and I can't stop sneezing as well as having runny eyes and nose.My cold is going ofr free if anyone else would like to take it off my hands,or should that be nose...:heehee:

      Loiuse,sounds like you had an excellent day and it is nice to visit places to get ideas of plants.Sounds like another good place to visit though if we ever go down that way as I never realised there was a tropical garden when Mr Kandy's Auntie and Uncle took us to the swannery all those years ago.Sorry that I can't offer any advice about the palms as our garden is done in the old fashioned cottage style to blend in with the type of house we bought ten years ago but Mr Kandy likes some of the tropical plants.Look forward to hearing how you get on with your plans in the future:thumbsup:

      Shiney sounds like you ran a good service all those years ago but i don't think there was any need for that young lady to bring her home life to work with her especially as she was using scissors and a comb at the time:D

      O2,sorry to hear you and your have lots of forthcoming appointments coming and hope that all turns out ok and that the results are good for you all. :dbgrtmb:It is nice on the allotment now that we are starting to harvest the veggis but i'm not at all happy with the bunnies as they are digging down to some of the spuds and nibbling at them:gaagh:,but our plums are just starting to turn their ripe colour so looking forward to harvesting them as i do like my Victorias:loll:

      Anyway,it is just starting to get light although it looks dry out there so with luck we shall have another good day when the sun shows it's face:D

      Have a good day everyone and hope it is :sunny:for you and remember the weekend is just around the corner:happydance:
    • Louise D

      Louise D Total Gardener

      Mar 24, 2011
      Somerset Coast
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning everyone,

      O2, I hope everything goes well for all of you with your appointments. :dbgrtmb:

      Kandy, I wish you better :dbgrtmb:. Have you tried sneezing on the flying ants under your window ledge. You might be able to scare them away as the don't want to get your cold :heehee:.

      After the flying ants had finished yesterday I picked about 10lb of golden plums :thumbsup:. Yummy!! :happydance:
      I'll pick the beans today if the ground isn't still over run with ants.

      Have a great day :D
    • takemore02withit

      takemore02withit Gardener

      Apr 8, 2008
      Morning kandy, Shiney and everyone,sorry to hear you've got a code in the noze kandy, some of these summer colds can be some of the worst. Ive been sneezing for weeks, even though i have'nt got a cold, maybe its the pollen.:scratch:

      Hiya Shiney, im 100% with you on smiling and being pleasant when you work with the public, it should be all part of the service. I worked for Tesco for 11 years and had costomers that were like friends. Some old dears used to comment on how I always had a smile for them and was always so cheery, if I helped to put a smile on their face It made my day too.:yess:

      On a bittersweet note Im going to a wedding tomorrow. My friend who passed away last year (aged 52) Her son is getting married. it was one of her last wishes. So tissues at the ready.:cry3:

      Its overcast here today but still going out in the garden for a potter around.:inautumnleaves:

      Have a lovely day everyone.:thumbsup:
    • Kandy

      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

      Apr 23, 2006
      Head gardener
      In the Middle Of Blighty
      Good morning everyone,

      Awake again early this morning due to this cold so thought i might as well gey up and start the day:DThanks for your good wishes and looking forward to not having to keep sneezing and having runny eyes and nose all the time.The combines are out in the fields very near us harvesting the rape and the dust from it all is everywhere so i don't think that helps either.My car looks like it has been in the Saraha with all the dust covering it but i suppose that is one of the joys of countryside living:D

      Shiney,when it gets a bit lighter I am going plum pickin g as we have a golden and a red plum tree not far from our house and they are just starting to ripen so am going to go and see if i can get some:yess:

      O2,it is nice when you get staff in the shops who are friendly and will talk to you,pity it can't be said about the kids on the tills who all sit there looking miserable and can't even crack a smile:heehee:

      Hi Louise,hope you have a good weekend from work and can relax and enjoy your garden:thumbsup:

      We are off grocery shopping this morning and then oer to the lottie this afternoon so hopefully the weather will stay fine.Have a good day everyone:sunny:
    • Louise D

      Louise D Total Gardener

      Mar 24, 2011
      Somerset Coast
      Morning everyone :)

      Good morning Kandy, yes, it'll be down into the town to Tesco at about 8.30-ish, whizz round there and get home before the majority venture out their front doors :WINK1:
      I'll spend the rest of the weekend in the garden, pottering and getting generally tending it lovingly :D

      Housework i hear you question ...... well, okay, if it rains :heehee:
    • shiney

      shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

      Jul 3, 2006
      Retired - Last Century!!!
      Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
      Good morning everyone,

      It's going to be another warm sunny day :sunny: but not sure what I'll be doing :scratch:

      I may have to go and buy another 300 litres of compost as Mrs shiney is still getting through it very quickly. She now has over 1,000 cuttings and seedlings ready for next year and is potting on other things :rolleyespink:

      Kandy, are the plum trees on public ground? I munched my way through a dozen plums at 2 a.m. this morning. They were lovely :dbgrtmb:

      I find that all the staff in Sainsburys are pleasant and seem well trained. When I went on holiday last winter I need a phone to use in the USA and one of their staff loaned me one that would work over there :yay:. now, that's good service :hapfeet:

      O2, I hope the wedding goes well today. :dbgrtmb:

      Have a great day :D
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