
Discussion in 'Events' started by bluequin, Mar 31, 2011.

  1. bluequin

    bluequin Gardener

    Mar 26, 2011
    Guildford, Surrey
    I've just ordered tickets for this years Chelsea flower show (the wednesday) - my first time going.:happydance:

    Can anyone advise the best way to travel there?

    I could have got official parking for £20 or so when I ordered the tickets but I didn't, so I may have missed out - but is it far from the show? Also not sure if Chelsea is in the congestion zone any more (or if it ever was!)

    I live in Guildford so I could use the trains. I'll be going with my mum who is in her 70's so I wouldn't want to trek too far from the nearest tube station - does anyone know where that is in relation to the show?

    Thanks for any advice you can offer.
  2. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi blue.. Lucky you..!!! :happydance: Sloane Square is the nearest tube station about 10 mins walk from the show.. Or if you get off at Victoria they lay on a coach service to Chelsea,, Never driven to it though.... I hope that helps, maybe the Victoria station & then the coach would be best for your Mum.. Have a great time.. :yess:
  3. EddieJ

    EddieJ gardener & Sculptor

    Feb 21, 2010
    Oak timber framer
    The Chelsea show cropped up at work today.

    The lads who have workshops opposite mine are making a couple of features to go onto a show stand there. To put it politely, the pieces are rubbish! They are even made from rubbish wood that was good for nothing except burning. The garden design was pretty much written on the back of a scrap of paper, and was as bad as the chosen materials.
    When I was approached to have a stand at Chelsea some 20yrs or so ago, it was considered an honour to have even been asked. I declined to be part of it, as it just isn't my thing, crowded places and talking to people that I have no interest in.

    If the example today was anything to by, money over standard rules the show now.

    When I have more details of the display, I shall post them so that anyone visiting will see just what I mean.
  4. bluequin

    bluequin Gardener

    Mar 26, 2011
    Guildford, Surrey
    Thanks Marley - a 10 minute walk will be fine.

    EddieJ, I agree about the crowds - that's why I've avoided it up until now. In recent years, from what I've seen on the box, the standard has been pretty good for the show gardens. But it's the individual growers stalls and stands that I'm looking forward to seeing - they seem to avoid the more fashionable trends and stick to the plants. I would suggest that your lads are the exception rather than the norm..:dunno:
  5. JWK

    JWK Gardener Staff Member

    Jun 3, 2008
    Get there early bluequin, then go and see the main show gardens in the first hour before the crowds turn up. Then go into the marquees to see the growers displays. The smaller show gardens are less busy and the stalls even less, so do them last. I'm sure you'll love the experience.
  6. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    The official car parks are not too far (across the bridge and in the park) but are about a 20 minute walk - although they provide busses to and from the car park. It is in the congestion zone.

    As John says, the show gardens can be difficult to see once it gets crowded, and it gets busy quite early, so try and do them first. It is quite tiring walking around the show and I would also recommend doing the marquee (flower and plant displays) early on as your mum may not be able to do a lot more.

    Take some water and sandwiches as the cost of food and drink is quite high. You may find that your mother gets tired fairly early as walking around slowly amongst crowds can be very tiring.

    There is quite a lot of seating provided in one picnic area and that will get full up fairly quickly towards lunchtime so plan to sit and eat early. The picnic area is usually the same each year and is situated not too far inside the main entrance (Royal Hospital Road) and to the left. If coming in from the Embankment end then it is up the far end on the right. If your mum is able to sit on the grass then take something to sit on in case all the seats are full.

    Take a folding umbrella - just in case. If you feel as though you need the loo then don't say to yourself "I'll wait a bit". The queues for the toilets can be quite long. Try the loos in Western Avenue when you are near them because they usually don't have quite as long queues as the other loos.

    It's a great experience to go there but quite tiring so be prepared for your mum to just want to sit down and you go off and do the rest on your own. A book or newspaper for your mum would be a good idea. If you have a backpack then that may be the most comfortable way to take things.

    Don't think that you will get to see everything because there is not enough time. So if there is something that you really want to see then look at the plan of the show and go there early.

    Have a great time :dbgrtmb:
  7. bluequin

    bluequin Gardener

    Mar 26, 2011
    Guildford, Surrey
    Thanks John and Shiney - there are some great tips there.
  8. strongylodon

    strongylodon Old Member

    Feb 12, 2006
    Wareham, Dorset
    Definitely go to the marquees first, especially if it's a hot day, by midday it will be very oppresive and the air full of dust from so many people walking through. I speak from experience of being in there at a display all day. Despite that it was a fantastic day.
    You should have a great time.:)

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