Wild Thyme for partial shade?

Discussion in 'Herbs and Wildflowers' started by Laurad, Apr 16, 2010.

  1. Laurad

    Laurad Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2009
    Hello, I need some advice on a low-growing perennial that can stand some shade and is to be viewed from close quarters. Let me explain - I am about to get a garden bench that will stand against the west-facing wall of the house. I then want to place 2 half-barrels on either side of the bench to use as 'tables'. They will be filled with soil, and have a smallish piece of slate or stone laid on top to act as the table surface. Then I want something to plant in the remaining soil which will look nice, maybe smell nice, and act as ground cover if possible, although that isn't vital. Obviously, it will have to be fairly low-growing or we won't be able to see where to put our mugs/glasses down! I had thought of wild thyme, which is low growing and scented. But I am sure that it is supposed to have full sun. Would it stand just getting afternoon sun? I would rather have something that thrives than just "gets by", if you know what I mean. Any thoughts?
  2. Sussexgardener

    Sussexgardener Gardener

    Oct 13, 2008
    West Sussex
    If it's in a pot and therefore free draining, Thyme will be fine, with some afternoon sunshine. If you can make the compost with lots of grit and sand, even better as it's a Mediterranean plant and likes dry conditions.

    There are plenty of different Thymes you can choose from, lemon scented, different foliages for a bit of variety.
  3. Laurad

    Laurad Apprentice Gardener

    May 9, 2009
    Thanks for that - looking forward to choosing my thyme :)

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