my youngest grandaughter was at the National Dance Competitions for the past 3 days. she goes to dancing classes almost every day for different dancing. she has a wide spectrum in dancing. i received a phone call today about 5 o clock informing me she had won 4 firsts ,(1) TAP, (2) BALLET, (3) SONG AND DANCE,(4) HIGHLAND:gnthb:. the thing about it, she was crying/nervous , before she went on stage in front of the judges,once she was on stage she was calm/smiling /step perfect/she wanted to win :gnthb: she is as high as kite tonight ,because she won the overall points system for the overall points .she has a cup as big as her SHE IS ONLY 7 YRS OLD music .
This is the same girl that asks so many questions, lol. What a winner she is in so many ways. It's so lovely to hear music, not hear music I mean you music....ooohhh, you know what I mean. Bet you're dead proud! Well done her! cheers
Hi Borrowers you are dead right ,i am so proud of the ( wee yin ),she done so well and we are still trying to get her down from the ceiling, she is as high as a ( KITE ) AND COCKY WITH IT :D music .