Followed by don't take a bath, don't flush the toilet, don't water any plants we are gonna run out any day now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Val
The weather forecast tonight is threatening thunderstorms (at least for us) tomorrow afternoon, more on Sunday and dismal rain on Tuesday! Back to normal!
A bit cloudy this morning. The white fluffy kind But still a lot of blue sky. We had a tiny shower last evening which started the scent off from the lilac absolutely beautiful.
true - but the prevailing wind over the UK tends to be westerly!! Remember, smog tends to be local, and only accumulates when there is NO air-flow, in any direction - ie still air... Hubby told me to point out that the smog speed limits are only imposed during the winter, when the smog hangs very low... TBH - I very rarely see the speed limits, but then I rarely go on the motorways. I think the weather will clear soon enough. We had a little system of thunder-storms going over last night. Lots of grumbles from the black clouds, a flash of lightning, but unfortunately only a few spots of rain :(
When I was a lad we didn't have yer namby pamby little hazy mist you now call smog :WINK1:. We had proper smog!! :yess: None of this "slow down 'cos yer distant view is not so good". It was, "You can't drive 'cos the smog is so thick you can't find yer car." Them's was the good ol' days
I remember as a child my mother walking in front of our car with a scarf round her face while my dad drove ( Mom didn't drive) Trying to find our way home in the smog . It was so thick you couldn't see a thing. She guided him along the edge of the road , it took hours to get home. It's hard to believe what the smog used to be like. I haven't seen anything like it for years and years. This stuff they have now seems to be nothing more than a bit of polluted mist that will be disbursed at the first breeze. But they will make a drama out of it as they do everything else. Just another thing to worry people about.
The news have come by us in Italy too. "Smog and hot weather in Britain". That's what it sounds in the headline of an important italian newspaper's website. Furthemore, it shows some pictures of London in these days. In some of them, it looks like just a bit of mist is on the way. In others, it Looks like London is experiencing a phenomenum pretty frequent in Russia. Namely: "Smoke". Indeed, during the hot continental russian summers, the smoke from burning peat in the surrounding taiga-forests may spread all over vast areas of the country and originates a thick fog. Then the visibility can drammatically drop to zero. But the temperature is not a winterly one. Conversely, it can be at +35 C, even +40 C. Just have a look to what happen last August in the Moscow area... I do not know what is the case now in Britain. Sure enough, an outstanding fact is that London is experiencing high temperatures at +26 C over three, four days in a row. Outstanding hot temperatures, as far as I know, are not so rare in Britain. Sure enough, not in London. In 1998, when I live there, I remember +18 C on February 14 (Valentine's day) and +26 C over many days in a row in the first two decades of May. Viceversa, on April 15 of that year, the British capital was experiencing a snowfall ! Still, who doesn't not remember temperatures at +35, even +38 - right in London - in the summer of a few years ago ? One thing is sure: I do not know Britain as a whole, sure enough London in a lovely sunny hot weather gets a really joyfull city as only London can be. All the people crowd its wonderfull parks. The atmosphere is fantastic ! Now, it would be a pity if a wonderfull hot sunny weather, like the one that Britain and London are experiencing over these days, were spoilt by smog, pollution and stuff like that. :-(
It ahs just reached 80F and still rising but we are still blessed with clear skies. I don't think we shall get the rain that they say is on the way this evening. Maybe we shall get it later tonight - I hope.
Now, let me see... So, 80 F. I am more familiar with Celsius. By the way, in Britain what do you use most ? Celsius or Fahrenheit ? So, 80 - 32, that's 48, divided into 9 that's 5.333333333333333, by 5 that's 26.666666666. More than +26 C ! Nearly +27 C ! Who knows, maybe it is in the guinnes-book for records...
Well calculated It has just reached 81 and may go up a little. Officially they use Centigrade/Celsius but a lot of people still use Fahreheit. I have one thermometer set to F and the other C. But I think the temperature sounds more exotic if you say it is 300K (Kelvin).
In Worcester, the temperature is right now at +30 c ! (+86 F). Here by me, in Milan, the temperature is at +16 C ... :-( And it is overcast. Every now and then, it rains... :-( Tomorrow it will be like today... A great Easter, I would say... hehehehehe :-( But that's good for my lawn. So I do not complain about. I know Kelvin. The absolute zero (-273 C). It is impossible to get colder than that... Meaning that -273 C is the temperature when all the particles are still...
Hi MaKsim. As Far As I Know The Conversion Factor From Celsius To Fahrenheit Is . If Temp Is 32c x 2 = 64 F + 3/4 Of 32C =25.5F = In Total 64 F + 25.5 F = 89.5 F . Confused .com:WINK1:.
I was taught that to translate centigrade/celsius into fahrenheit, you multiplied the centigrade by 9, divided by 5 then added 32.