1st Year

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by captainhastings, Apr 23, 2011.

  1. captainhastings

    captainhastings Gardener

    Feb 5, 2011
    Well things are going fairly well. I have learnt not too use and clay type soil to mix in with compost because it turns to iron if it gets dry and also not too skimp on container size if possible


    The little gem lettuce don't look that happy though

    as for spinach do you just harvest the leafs as they reach size and let the plants replenish them selves ?

  2. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    If you mix that spent compost with your clay soil, (start with just a small area and work outwards as it were) eventually you'll start to get something more 'workable'.

    As for the spinach - I just treat them like 'cut and come again' lettuce, picking a few leaves off various plants whenever I want them in a salad and, as you say, let them replenish themselves.

    If you've got another container, I'd be inclined to thin out those plants in your final pic - they'll all do much better for a lot more room.
  3. captainhastings

    captainhastings Gardener

    Feb 5, 2011
    Thank you I have thinned the spinach out to give more room.
    I was reading the instruction for my tumbling toms last night and I had missed the bit where it says picking the side shots and leaving a main stem so I assume they should not look like mine then

    I guess it is too late for these ones now so better just let them get on with it ? They are starting to flower and look healthy though
  4. captainhastings

    captainhastings Gardener

    Feb 5, 2011
    The spuds are going at it like triffids in the bin. I think they are Sharp Express so do I need to wait for the flowers to come out then die ? as I am after new potatoes.
    I did try and have a rummage buts its hard to get into the bin with all the growth. One thing I did notice the soil was quite dry so I think I have under estimated maybe on the daily watering needed

    I think they are about 8 or 9 weeks next year I intend to label better :) so i know what the heck is going on
  5. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    I'm not sure, but I think I heard somewhere that Sharpes Express don't flower very often. My Dad, was a great devotee of Percy Thrower (an old notebook of Dad's says 'Thrower recommends Sharpes Express - try Mence Smiths' !!), so if they were Percy Thrower's choice, that's probably why he grew them and where I've got it from .... but don't quote me on it.

    Water 'em, lots and lots, I do know that if they're allowed to get too dry it affects the yield and if you leave them too long before harvesting, they become 'floury' - totally useless piece of information I know, but my Father hated floury spuds with a passion!

    At least I'm not alone in the labelling department then. Every year there's always something I stick in an odd corner and think 'I'll remember what that is,' and 'a course .... I never do!

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