Who would you prefer next to be King and Queen

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Lyn, Apr 26, 2011.


Who would you want as the next King and Queen

  1. Charles and Camilla

    8 vote(s)
  2. William and Kate

    17 vote(s)
  1. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Thanks John,l I must admit to not knowing a great deal about his estates but I've grown plants for years and I've never talked to them.
    It appears to me that someone who has never struggled to survive in the real world should not be held up as some kind of pattern that the rest of us should follow.

    Its totally ridiculous that they should know anything about how the ordinary person lives and manages to survive, in the same way, we cannot understand how they live.
  2. maksim

    maksim Gardener

    Feb 16, 2010
    Worker in Milan Malpensa Airport
    Castano Primo (Milan), 6 degrees south, 8 degrees
    I have studied about him when I was a pupil.
    Since he was playing his lyre while Rome was burning, he is a symbol of infamy.
    But nowadays some scholars argue that actually that was not the case.
    Who knows...
  3. Dave W

    Dave W Total Gardener

    Feb 6, 2006
    Anything I fancy and can afford!
    Tay Valley
    The Windsors so far, have turned out to be a totally dysfunctional family. May be the gene pool or nurture or both but William and Kate have a genetic advantage in that William’s mother was a ‘commoner’ and Kate is a ‘commoner’. William has had, and still has a real and very skilled job and Kate had one too. William too seems to have much more ‘up top’ than his dad or uncles and aunts.
    I wouldn’t wish the throne on him soon, but I think in due course he’d make a far better monarch than his pater with Camilla Park and Ride as consort.
    • Like Like x 4

      ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

      Jan 12, 2019
      I don't think anyone in the privileged position of the Royal is supposed to know what the real world is like, nor can they be blamed for not knowing:DOH: They're just figureheads with out any powers. Like it or not the British have a love/hate relationship with the Royals but generally underneath it all are proud that they have them.:heehee:

      I think you'll find that the last thing the Queen is is living in the past. Like I said, if you know anything about her, she has run the show like a business and has actually dragged the Royal and the Establishment out of the past. There is still a lot of useless courtier protocol being spouted by the Establishment that tries to keep the Royals in the past, but that's the Civil Servants not the Royals.

      I don't understand your point, Pete, regarding them standing for all you despise regarding the environment and nature??:scratch: Do you mean because they'r e damaging the climate, environment or nature in some way? If you're talking about the fact they they shoot game birds, where ever I go fishing, be it in Cheshire, Shropshire, Rutland, Norfolk, Suffolk, Cambridgeshire, etc, what do I see??? - Ordinary working folk from the towns and cities paying to go on a shoot to blast nature with a shotgun":mad: I am neither a Royalist or anti-Royalist, mainly because they don't intrude or matter in my life. Yes, they are privileged, rich and immune from the struggles and traumas that ordinary working people have to face every day, they have no connection with real life - but do people really despise them for that or, in truth, is it really envy that generates the despising??:scratch::dunno:
      • Like Like x 3
      • clueless1

        clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

        Jan 8, 2008
        I have no issues with the royals. Some media companies would like to see the back of them, but if you dig beyond that, they are ok.

        The thing is, they are just humans at the end of the day. They are not perfect, as prince Foolip keeps proving, but nobody is, and they are just figureheads.

        I voted Bill and Katey, purely because they are younger and more down to earth and up to date. The monarchy brings money into the country through tourism, and I think a young down to earth king and queen will create a good balance between tradition and modern attitude.

        Plus Kate is quite fit. She looks like a posh version of my good lady, so I have no objection to her being in the spotlight. Likewise Bill is a handsome lad, I'm sure ladies of all ages have no problem seeing him on telly, so everybody wins.
        • Like Like x 1
        • Sussexgardener

          Sussexgardener Gardener

          Oct 13, 2008
          West Sussex
          No, she can't. Not as an anointed monarch. Her uncle, yes he abdicated, but that was before her was offically crowned at the Coronation, which never happened in his case. The Coronation Day went ahead anyway, on the same day...just a different monarch!
        • Lyn

          Lyn Gardener

          Feb 25, 2006
          Industrial carpet machinist
          West Midlands
          The Queen can abdicate the throne only with the consent of the British Parliament and the parliament of the other nations that recognize her as their Head of State.
          I think and hope that will happen next year at the Queens Diamond Jubilee.
          She will pass the crown to William and Kate .
          Charles and his mistress wife I feel have no right to rule the country.
          Both divorced and remarried.
          The scandal with the Beautiful Diana .
          If only she could have been at her sons Wedding today.
          • Like Like x 1
          • redstar

            redstar Total Gardener

            Aug 6, 2008
            Domestic Goddess
            Chester County, PA, USA, Plant zone 4 & 5
            I know that if Charles was not unfaithful to Diana, that she'd be alive today. Don't like him at all.
            • Like Like x 1
            • clueless1

              clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

              Jan 8, 2008
              To be fair, it was not all one sided. Diana was giving her attention to other men (read nothing into that, I don't know the nature of that attention). I believe there was a butler sniffing about, and there was Mr Al Fayed's son. In fact I believe she was with Mr Al Fayed's lad when the limo crashed.

              In any case, unless Charles was controling Diana's every move, which would be a very bad thing, then she was a free spirit and therefore Charles can't be held responsible for her every move. I doubt very much that when she died she was travelling in a Limo, driven by a chaufer who was alleged to have been over the drink drive limit, at speed, when the limo crashed.
            • Lyn

              Lyn Gardener

              Feb 25, 2006
              Industrial carpet machinist
              West Midlands
              The reason Diana was "a free spirit' was because Charles was to busy with Camilla and couldn't care less about her.
              He didn't want her after the boys were born.
              She was used to produce an Heir . Then thrown away, I don't believe he ever loved her.
              On the engagement when asked about being in love his answer. Whatever love is.
              She was entitled to give her attentions to whom she liked after he Charles had divorced her.
              Diana was a lovely beautiful lonely person.
              Charles hated the fact she became more popular than himself.
              The people loved her.
              It is so very sad she could not be here today to see her beloved Son Marry Kate.
              • Like Like x 1
              • pete

                pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                Jan 9, 2005
                Mid Kent
                As most here know I'm not an enviromentalist, but I take exception to the fact that the royals become patrons of all kinds of different organisations, and actually pretend to care.

                They then go off and do their own thing, which is in many cases totally against what the organisations stand for.

                I guess despise is too stronger word, but I do feel they need to be more honest, and as an example, if you want to blast birds out of the sky, be it tame or wild, or kill the occasional stag for an afternoons sport, then dont accept those kind of jobs.
                • Like Like x 2
                • ARMANDII

                  ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

                  Jan 12, 2019
                  Pete, you know I have a history of agreeing with your posts and the good advice you have given in the past, which is why I find it difficult to persist in the Royalty argument and to disagree with you but.......:stirpot:

                  You seem to have the idea that the Royals are going around blasting every bird they can see, and killing hundreds of stags each year. I don't understand where those beliefs have come from.:scratch:The Royals haven't shot a bird or stag in years for many reasons. Who are the Royals doing the shooting?, HM [don't think so], Phil [Naaw, too old], Harry?, William? - not their scene, Charlie [ a definite no, no] in too many conservation organisations to stand there making a speech on the environment with a shotgun in one hand and a dead game bird in the other. The stags on the Royal estates are shot, there is no argument with that, but they are shot in culling management shoots to keep the herds in a manageable size. There are a lot of privately owned estates where the stags are killed for sport but if you do a bit of research you'll find that doesn't happen on the Royal estates anymore.

                  Whether or not you believe the Royals sincerity in taking patronage in different organisations is a matter of personal choice. But they don't ask for those positions, the Charities and other organisations know that if they can get a Royal to head the organisation, as a figurehead or active member, then their "standing" goes up and the public will also respond by contributing money just because a Royal is the Patronage.
                  So a Royal doesn't have to actively participate in the organisation, just lend their name to it. I really don't think they would lend their patronage to an organisation if they didn't believe in it, as they have the choice of saying yes or no.

                  Like I said, I'm neither a Royalist or anti-Royalist, I just don't like prejudice of any sort for any person, races, religions [always good for an argument:D], or organisations to distort the real facts or truth of the matter. I'll get off my soap box now:paladin:

                  Pete, can we go back to the old arrangement where I agreed with you:D:what:
                • pete

                  pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

                  Jan 9, 2005
                  Mid Kent
                  Well maybe you,re better informed than me Armandii.

                  But Charlie has over the years always been associated with the Glorious 12th, and pictured out there with his gun.

                  Dont get me wrong, I still think a game bird has a better life than a chicken.
                  But I think they are hypocritical

                  Fox hunting has always been a royal pursuit as well. Only stopped, perhaps, by the law.
                  Stag hunting at Balmoral was also a good day out as well.

                  I'm sure they would still be shooting tigers if it was allowed.

                  I know organisations want them as their head, as it gives them some kind extra credence over other charities, RSPCA, RSPB, etc.

                  I'm in the process of building my own soap box, its higher than yours:WINK1:

                  Sometimes its just good to agree to disagree:)

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