Veg ideas

Discussion in 'Edible Gardening' started by thered, May 5, 2011.

  1. thered

    thered Apprentice Gardener

    Jul 2, 2009
    i know its gettting a bit late but i am after some ideas for veggies that i can plant now

    i started last year with mainly brassicas and they were a nightmare with cabbage whites so i would like to avoid them

    i am after something i can sew direct to bed in may and that yields well and stays pretty pest free i have some netting i tried last year but they still got through

    i could possible nurtue some seedlings in house for a bit but my green house is pretty past it so ideally i would like something that will go in ground
  2. Phil A

    Phil A Guest

    Still got time for lots of stuff, i'm sowing and planting out french beans at the moment, just sowed parsley, corriander & basil under cover. Sweet corn is in the clotch, going out soon. Made futher sowings of rocket & carrots this week, planting out beetroot seedlings & just planted out the asparagus. Will make more sowings of parsnips & sweet peppers.

    Leaving the bulbing fennel & pak choi till the rains come back, they bolted in last years dry spring.
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    • thered

      thered Apprentice Gardener

      Jul 2, 2009
      i have some parnips i might use them and i have beetrot i do have some herbs already parsley chives and basil

      i tried carrot last year carrot fly ravaged them i may try some swedes if its not too late

      sugar snap peas are ok

      is there any veg like broccoli or caulie that doest attract the cabbage whites

      bit of a pain really sprouts broccoli and caulies are me favoourite veggies but guarding them is a 24/7 job lol
    • JWK

      JWK Gardener Staff Member

      Jun 3, 2008
      Runner beans are about the most productive veg you can grow. Now is the time to sow them - start them in pots inside :thumbsup:

      If you want to grow any brassicas you need some proper insect netting like what I use:
      Agralan Enviromesh, Insect Netting

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