Well done BT ... never fails to disappoint!

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by Fidgetsmum, May 8, 2011.

  1. Fidgetsmum

    Fidgetsmum Total Gardener

    Jul 25, 2009
    Deepest, darkest Kent
    On Thursday I had an email from BT, telling me that unless I updated my BTYahoo!Mail my email account would stop working. It gave at least 5 different places within that email to click on to update, and .... well suffice it to say none of them worked, in fact all it did was take me to a page where it insisted I upgrade to IE8 - when I clicked on that it told me that I was already using IE8, a fact of which I was very well aware.

    Tucked away at the bottom of the email was a 'click here for more help' (they really shouldn't put things like that when dealing with a confirmed technophobe such as myself). Anyway, I clicked, typed in my question which was basically 'What?'! then checked the preferred method of reply as email.

    At 5.30 p.m. today I get a 'phone call from BT in India to answer my query - so much for the preferred reply by email! I won't bore you with the details, but at first he said it was a spam email then seemed a bit mystified when I asked how, if it was spam, he'd picked up the query? Then he wanted to know what operating system I was using, how much RAM my machine had and then, armed with this knowledge, went off to consult his supervisor. After 38 minutes BT decided that the original message had been sent to me in error and I could ignore it.

    At least I wasn't paying for the call this time!
  2. takemore02withit

    takemore02withit Gardener

    Apr 8, 2008
    Dont you just hate it when this sort of thing happens.:gaagh:

    A complete and utter waste of everybodies time.:mad:

    Glad you got it sorted anyway Fidgetsmum.:thumbsup:
  3. Loofah

    Loofah Admin Staff Member

    Feb 20, 2008
    Reaffirms my thoughts on BT really!

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