Hi I'm a new gardener with a new garden. After years living in places with very little garden I've finally moved to somewhere with half an acre and can realise many of my dreams for making a haven for wildlife that hopefully will look and smell nice to humans too. I've been here since 11th January and am beginning to realise the sheer extent of what I do not know! I started looking around for gardening forums to join and thought this looked a nice place If anyone wants to see how I'm doing so far I've got a blog in which I make irregular updates and whine a lot about ground elder I'm looking forward to meeting people here
Hi Piffyuk Welcome to GC You've certainly come to the right place to whine about ground elder. We have a whining choir here. You also get good advice
Thanks Shiney, Armandii and JWK for the welcome. I think I'm going to be at home here Glad to know I'm able to add my whines to a chorus though sorry others suffer too. My sister helpfully points out that at least I've not got her horsetails or bindweed I'm going against my usual naturalistic tendencies and using the chemical gardening approach at the moment. Desperation took hold when I saw it was weaving it's way through the entire half acre including the lawn! In my very non scientific test so far, Verdone far exceeds Roundup in effectiveness.
I'm not sure you're suitable for our group of whiners if you haven't got horsetail and bindweed as well.
Hello Piffyuk, that's a wonderful looking plot you've got there ~ plenty of interesting features. You'll have to introduce Peter to jam making... that'll stop him giving the strawberry plants away :D
Shiney, I've got more than enough ground elder to make up for the lack of the others And where there isn't ground elder there are buttercups, daisies, nettles, brambles, dock, dandelions.... :D It's an interesting mix. Skinner, thanks for looking at my blog Peter loves strawberry jam so I think even if I make it that will do. When I was a child I used to join in the making of raspberry jam and jelly so it is something I remember with fondness. Greencuisinequeen, thanks, and Bucks... ahh, I spent three years in Aylesbury in a former lifetime Trained as a nurse there. And Dai, well my sister lives in Wales too (we spread ourselves apart our family) so I gather from her that in rainfall at least we probably have a similar climate. Penny! Ontario, how fantastic. I agree, gardening is good therapy. When it doesn't make me neurotic that is