Theres's 2 x succulents - Stonecrops? Is that just a general name? The orange flowered plant I think is a Helianthemum? Is it 'Fire Dragon'? The other plant, I think it had white single flowers on it last year. Can you help to narrow them down a bit further?
Just tried to edit my post on plant id's to add the pictures from Tinypic and the whole post disappeared?? Here it is again, Can anyone help id's on any of these 4 plants - The orange plant I think is a helianthemum? Maybe Fire Dragon? The 2 succulents, are they stonecrops? Can the name be narrowed down further? The other plant, not a clue what it is. I think it might have had small, white, single flowers on it last year. Thanks for looking.
3rd time lucky with this. I will just leave the pics on attachments (I've tried using Tinypics and Photobucket and the whole thread disappeared both times?) Can you help with ID's on any of these 4 plants - The orange flowered one I think is a helianthemum? Is it Fire Dragon? The two succulents, are they stonecrops? Can the name be narrowed down further? The other plant, I think it had small, white, single flowers on it last year. Thanks for looking.
Strewth. Now I've got all 3 posts appearing at once. Gawd knows what I did there. The first two definitely disppeared when I posted the pics. Honest. :o Maybe I need to wait and see if the succulents and the maybe white-flowered plant flower. Then I'll repost the pics (hopefully just the once this time) and the flowers will help with the ID. Patience is a virtue, and all that. :D
Both your succulents are Sedum. The second Sedum could be S.Spurium Bronze Carpet but there are so many now it's difficult to tell as they change colour according to the weather and other elements.
agree with a shrubby potentilla for the white flowered one - i know of two with white flowers, 'Abbotswood' and 'McKay's White'
I've got a potentilla - Monarch's Velvet - and the leaves are totally different to the plant you've identified. I'd have never have guessed at potentilla for that one. Brilliant spot. Gives me half an idea where to plant it now and how big it'll get. It looks like there are some flower buds coming on that one too, so I should be able to find out exactly which one I've got now. Thanks guys. And thanks for the sedum spot too, very useful.
Your orange flowered one is definitely a helianthemum, but not Fire Dragon, I think, which is redder. More probably Ben Heckla. There are several websites which have great definitive pictures of helianthemums - try googling helianthemum.
From the middle post with flowers, the first succulent with thick leaves is a Seedum of some sort, but as there are loads of variates that look like that, so your unlikely to get any good ID on that until if flowers. The last one from the middle post, the one with the red leaves could be Seedum somethingorother 'Dragons Blood', as a guess. But I'm not sure.