Greetings all, I have just joined the forum and I have a few questions about names of plants. I am taking pictures for a friend of mine who lives in abroad, it is easy to take the picture but finding the name of the plant is not so easy. So if I may I would like to start here. The plant was in a meadow and there were an awful lot of them, they looked wild growing. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks.
Postman.. That is one of my favourite Wild Flowers.. It is Pink Campion Silene x hampaeana.. Campion can be found both along woodland edges and hedgerows and in the midst of a meadow. This plant grows up to a meter tall and flowers from April through till July.. The flowers pale as after they have been out for a while.. There is also a white version.. White Campion - Silene latifolia that usually grows in the same places, but is not so common..
That's great thanks people. I can now read up on the origin of the name and find out all the great stories associated with it. "Silenus, the drunken, merry god of the woodlands in Greek mythology, gave his name to Silene dioica, the Red Campion." It's already looking good.
Hmm. I still stand by the Pink Campion as the flowers are spaced further apart on the stems & they are no where near as hairy which is what Postman's looks like to me.. It is very common on the continent & now also here.. x hampaeana..