A conversation this morning reminded me of Eamon. He was a lad that worked with me years ago...very willing but thick as the proverbial.. Chatting to another guy about my rhododendrons Eamon piped up..."What's a roddidodidrum?"...I told him and continued the chat, mentioning secateurs. Turning to Eamon I said..."You know what secateurs are don't you Eamon?" "Yeah!"..he said.... "They work in offices!"
Years ago, in the school where I work, the children were being taught that "minute" means very small. A child, when asked to put it in a sentence, came up with "My newt lives in a pond."
A kid in my junior school was once asked if he knew what a martyr was. He was incensed. Of course he knew what a martyr was. Any fool did. You got it in salads. And also sauce.
My Niece pointed to a large tree and asked me if it was a gunpowder tree. It was early in November and they had been told the poem in school - 'Remember, Remember, The Fifth of November'
Three years ago, our youngest daughter graduated with a first class BSc. During her last year at Uni, she submitted an essay upon which the lecturer saw fit to write only one comment .... 'Minuet : popular 17th & 18th century dance. Minute: a unit of time. However tempting the alternative may be to contemplate, Standing Order No. 23, generally known as the Ten Minute Rule seems to serve the members of the Lower House perfectly adequately - to additionally ask them to learn to dance may well be a procedural amendment too far. However, I rather like the idea and since the remainder of the essay has full merit, you get the A.'
lol i mind my oldest son who was about 7yrs at the time having to write a story about family his went "my granny loves to have loads of cock " he meant coke !!!