I have a Prunus "fragrent cloud" that was once in my front garden for acouple of years, but i saw sence and desided to move it to the back where i could let it thrive. It has flowered this spring, and is now in full leaf and growing as vigorously as expected but some of the leaves have strage brown marks on them almost as if a worm has been working its was through the leaf. Other than that it seems to be in perfect health.........any ideas what this could be, is it going to harm the tree and if so how do i fix it? Can add photos if required? Thanks Tom
I agree with Dai and say that it sounds like leaf miner. All the books will say it causes no damage except aesthetically, and the tree will be fine next year. However, I can't help but think that heavy leaf miner infestation must reduce the tree's ability to photosynthesize.
Went for the good old "Google it" and this appears to be the problem. A web site i found said that pestasides are not very effective as the larve are protected inside the leaf. It was sujested that the best way to over come this problem is to remove the leaf and destroy the larve by burning them.....so i did! Thanks for your help. :thumb::thumb::thumb: