Energy suppliers

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by pete, Jun 11, 2011.

  1. bi9johnny

    bi9johnny Gardener

    Sep 1, 2009
    is it true that things use more electric when in stand by mode or things like chargers off say phones use more if you just unplug the phone but dont switch the charger off at the wall
  2. shiney

    shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

    Jul 3, 2006
    Retired - Last Century!!!
    Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
    Not quite sure what you mean by 'use more' but all appliances use power whilst on standby. Leaving a charger plugged into the socket with the switch on is the same as on standby.

    All the horror stories they give about how much power is used on standby are usually exaggerated. I remember reading an article saying that TV's use almost as much power on standby as they do when they are on. So I checked mine and it uses an enormous 5 watts whilst on standby.

    If I add up the cost of all the things that I leave on standby I suppose it may come to a some tens of pounds per year - but the authorities also try to encourage me to take things to the recycle centre which would cost me £3.50 a time in petrol.

    You just have to weigh up all the pros and cons and make a decision. All the bending down to switch off and on at the plug sockets doesn't do my bad back any good so I'd rather just leave things on.
  3. pete

    pete Growing a bit of this and a bit of that....

    Jan 9, 2005
    Mid Kent
    Just an update, I received my final bill from N power the other day.

    Gas bill was OK, it had the final reading I had sent to Brit Gas, electric for some reason was estimated, although I sent both readings at the same time.

    Anyway it will probably be August before I use the amount they have estimated, they also said they could collect the estimated electric bill via the existing direct debit, but they needed me to send a cheque for the gas as the direct debit had been cancelled.

    But I paid both through one direct debit :scratch:

    I'm having serious doubts about both these companies, (Apologies to anyone who might work for either company), but I dont think either of them have got "both oars in the water".

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