hi, I have a shrub my father planted when he was alive in our front garden many years ago, and i never saw it flower until recently, and I was delighted as i am extremely partial to flowering plants. It has now saved its self from my chop. I would like to know what it is so i can look after it better and help it to flower at its best. I have also uploaded a picture of my back hedge and would like to know what that is as well if anyone knows? it also flowers! thanks!
I think the first may be Kolkwitzia or Beauty Bush. Not sure about the second but I'm sure someone will know! Chris
1. Flowers wrong shape and colour to be Kolkwitzia. http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=e...&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi I believe it is Philadelphus. Probably Philadelphus coronarius. Common name mock orange. Flowers highly scented. philadelphus coronarius flowers - Google Search 2. Agree Ligustrum ovalifolium. Common name Privet. Flowers stink of cat pee! http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgu...&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:15,s:0&biw=1246&bih=529
I think the first one is Mock Orange, philadelphus - you'll know by the fragrance, it will have a very strong orangy smell especially in the evening
I stand corrected.:o Just been out in the rain to have a look and if it smells as good as the one we've got in the garden then it's Philadelphus. Chris