the other day my daughter said she saw a spotted woodpecker on the nuts on the bird table, they are still there from the winter, I dont normally feed th birds in the summer. I said oh yes, etc and thought nomore about it, but we have regularly been visited by a greater spotted who swings on the nuts and pecks away, we have green ones abound cause I wondered what birds there were as I didnt realised that green woodpckers are basically ground birds, but this one is amazing. Ive never seen one so close, its brill, we now have in the garden, muntjac, roe deer, foxes ( curse em) numerous birds, owls that fly over at night and pheasants,, whcih we occasionally have one for dinner if we are quick enough!! Jenn
Lucky you Jenn.Are you any good with a camera? as it would be lovely to see any photos you might get of these visitors
Hi Jenny, how do you manage to garden with Muntjac and Roe deer ? While it can be lovely to see them the bandits eat everything. It's like having rabbits on steroids. I never had a problem with anything the foxes did. I only ever had a visit from woodpeckers once and I was very charmed to see them - until I read what they did in other birds nests - worse than magpies. it's all part of lifes rich tapestry Jenny. Enjoy the wildlife in your garden and post the pics.
with difficulty alice, we have lost all the tops off the sweet peas, they particularlylove a climbing hydranga which is now growing as I have fenced it off, thankfully the fruit are all in cages, but you go out and shout and wave your arms and they just look at you, thing is we are in a conservation area and cant do anything even about the foxes, abbie was in the garden 2 days ago stood by the fruit cage and saw something in the bottom, she called out thinking it was one of our cats, and it was a fox crawling out under the blackcurrant bushes with a rabbit in its mouth. she was literally inches from it, it just slunk off, she was so surprised she just stood and looked at it. we have fences around but the wood at the side of the house is bordered from a field by a very old stone wall which they can jump over, lets face it even I could get over it LOL, so they just treat the garden as their own, as for the woodpeckers and the magpies, they are beautiful birds but predators, at least the red kites that we have flying over only eat owt thts already dead. jenn
I thought you might like to see a picture of "our" Philip. He usually has his partner in crime with him - Peter Pheasant. Josie
Humph, i'ts a good job that l didn't post a picture of Florence & Laurence, and their 2 mates Maurice & Doris then, isn't it? :WINK1::WINK1::WINK1: They are the 4 Ducks which are visiting us at the mo'. You would probably have had the pot on before you l could blink and eyelid LOL. Josie
cant get a pic of the woodpecker they are too quick, incidentally we now have 2, my oh said are they a pair I wonder, I replied, well the only way you could tell probably is to be another woodpecker LOL they are decimating the nuts from last year and have teken up residence in the apple tree just outside the front door. Jenn