Sad Hedge

Discussion in 'General Gardening Discussion' started by Cavalier, Apr 4, 2010.

  1. Cavalier

    Cavalier Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 27, 2008
    About a 4 ft section of my privet hedge has stopped growing. Whilst the rest of the hedge has its leaves and is growing fine, this part has very few, tiny leaves. It looks like it is on its last legs What can I do to save it?
  2. Alice

    Alice Gardener

    Feb 24, 2006
    Well Cavalier, its been a long, cold winter and every bodies hedges have suffered.
    If some of your hedge is already growing you are doing great. No hedges are growing here, yet.
    I wouldn't panic about the bit not growing - privet is tough stuff and I'm sure it will be along.
    Hedges are like everything else and a bit of feed won't go wrong. Use whatever you like.
    That reminds me - to feed my own.
  3. Cavalier

    Cavalier Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 27, 2008
    Thanks I must admitt I have lived here 4 yrs and have expected it to get along with no feed so I guess that's where I should start. I am a bit concerned though because it was the same last year and never caught up. Maybe it is a different variety there are several different ones in this hedge.
    I think our hedges and lawns have just started to grow over here in west of Scotland but won't be mowing or cutting yet.
  4. Marley Farley

    Marley Farley Affable Admin! Staff Member

    May 11, 2005
    Grandmother Gardener Councillor Homemaker
    Under the Edge Zone 8b
    Hi Cavalier,
    As Alice says it has been a long old cold winter.. I do not know what soil type you have but they do not like being waterlogged in clay type soils.. It may well be slow, but I am doubtful if you said it was going down hill last year... A good feed may do it, but I am doubtful..
    :scratch: Sadly I think you may have a problem.. Hopefully I am wrong
    Privet is very prone to honey fungus disease and hedges dying in distinct patches is a characteristic of attack.
    Look in the soil at the base of the plants for the characteristic black bootlaces, and remove the bark at the base of the plants to see if a white mycelial sheath is present; these are definite symptoms of attack, also a distinct 'mushroom -y' smell and fungal growths from the base of the shrub, all point to Honey fungus.. If you find it is as sadly this happens with Privet. I should remove the next one before it goes wrong and seal off the area where they grow with a plastic sheet to stop the spread.. You will need to remove the soil as well if it is & replace with fresh when you replant.. I have used Armilartox in the past to streilize the soil, but it doesn't have the nasty stuff that killed it, in it now thanks to the govt..!!
    Let us know what you find.. :scratch:
  5. Cavalier

    Cavalier Apprentice Gardener

    Apr 27, 2008
    Thanks Marley Will have a look and let you know, but not today it is bucketing it down

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