Disabled work for disabled pay

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Discussion' started by ARMANDII, Jun 17, 2011.


    ARMANDII Low Flying Administrator Staff Member

    Jan 12, 2019
    One of our much trusted and respected MP's has "suggested" that in order to get employed the disabled should accept a lower than the national minimal wage rate when offered a job. Any employer who would offer such a rate to the disabled would, to me, be a less than reputable and good employer who only wanted to abuse employees and the fair rate system

    What also "irritates" me is that an MP, ostentatiously voted in by us to look after the welfare of the people of this country, earning over £100,000 [after claiming expenses] should be arrogant enough to state that the disabled should be offered less than the legal minimum wage. Also disturbing to me is that over the centuries the nature of the majority of people who get into power doesn't seem to change. They're arrogant, reluctant to tell the truth, can make fraudulent claims over their expenses to the tune of many thousands of pounds thinking it's all in the game, and immediately lose sight of responsibility, when becoming an MP, for their actions.

    Or am I wrong:scratch:
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    • Sheal

      Sheal Total Gardener

      Feb 2, 2011
      Dingwall, Ross-shire
      Oh! the arrogance of it Armandii. Whether people are disabled or not I thought we lived in an age of equality, obviously not! They work the same as able bodied people and should be paid the same.:mad:
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      • joolz68

        joolz68 Total Gardener

        May 16, 2011
        alfreton uk
        I'd surest reform, as in prison for any mp caught to be corrupt or lying, but to be honest I'd much rather hang the lot of the pedantic arrogant lot of them.. :)... i do have a friend whos ex mp and hes the nicest guy but he had puppet masters which i know he wished he didnt xx

        Deep breaths armandii :gaagh: xxx
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        • clueless1

          clueless1 member... yep, that's what I am:)

          Jan 8, 2008
          If someone can do the job, then it shouldn't make any difference if they have a disability. Simple as that.

          The MP is simply feeding people's stereotypes, and that's not the sort of thing someone in a position of influence should be doing. Oh, hang on, that's normal isn't it?:( Doesn't make it right though.
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          • Jack McHammocklashing

            Jack McHammocklashing Sludgemariner

            May 29, 2011
            Ex Civil Serpent
            Fife Scotland
            MP's should only be elegible if they have worked for five years on minimum wage doing manual work

            They have no idea of what real life is about quoting minimum average wage is £35k which is reflected in state benefits paid to those who have never worked

            The 35k average is false based on 10 thousand earning £13k and one thousand earning £100k
            You can do what you want with figures to suit your needs the reality is entirely different
            To even suggest that someone with a disability should earn less to take a job is utterly disgusting and he should be ashamed even suggesting it

            Having said that I believe some of the disabled should be less militant and demanding
            ie:- the employer takes them on then finds he has to pay £7k for a special sized toilet, install a lift to upper floors even though the disabled person works on the ground floor
            Employ and train specialist fit persons to evacuate them in case of an emergency

            Then why should a disabled person doing the same job be paid an extra £40pw tax credits than an un disabled person? they already get an extra £60 pw DLA

            Why should a disabled person be allowed a FREE TAXI to work for a year when they already get MOBILITY allowance

            It is a big can of worms, though no reason to suggest they take less pay for the same work

            Jack McH
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            • miraflores

              miraflores Total Gardener

              Apr 16, 2006
              mean daily minimum temperatures -1 -2
              I think that those workers that are a waste of space :mad: should be paid less, and very often are not disabled at all.

              I have seen excellent examples of disabled working in employment offering a very good service.
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              • shiney

                shiney President, Grumpy Old Men's Club Staff Member

                Jul 3, 2006
                Retired - Last Century!!!
                Herts/Essex border. Zone 8b
                I agree with all of you that there should be no legislation that allows discrimination - but there are still a few good MP's out there. They're just difficult to find.

                I was listening to a large number of employers discussing this subject (of disabled people) and there were some interesting points. All of them agreed that they should not be allowed to pay disabled people less money for doing the same job but a number of them also agreed that there could be circumstances where they would employ them on a lower wage.

                They said that they would be prepared to give a chance of a job to a disabled person who was not fully able to do the advertised job if they were able to pay them just for what they could do. This, of course, opens another can of worms. On the face of it, it would appear that a change in job description would be necessary but then that would then be a different job :scratch:.

                I think that the feeling I got from their discussions was that if the disabled person was able to do the job, but at a slower pace, then there is some justification for offering a lower rate. I'm not sure what percentage of disabled would come into that category. Only one of the disabled people that I look after would fit into that category. Although he is capable of doing some sedentary jobs he needs to lie down for 30 minutes at least every two hours.

                As this discussion was after an amount of imbibing at a social (business) event I have to admit that some of them were not able to express their thoughts as succinctly as normal.
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                • Scrungee

                  Scrungee Well known for it

                  Dec 5, 2010
                  Central England on heavy clay soil
                  Strange how they're only nice when either not in power or after they've lost their jobs.

                  If you can do the job you get get at least the minimum wage.
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                  • ClaraLou

                    ClaraLou Total Gardener

                    Aug 12, 2009
                    I was looking through press articles on this story and related issues and was struck by a comment in a Guardian piece. Apparently people have been 'phoning into talk shows to make statements such as: 'if Steven Hawking can work, why can't other disabled people?' I should have thought the answer is obvious. Most people are not Steven Hawking. They are not going for jobs as distinguished theoretical physicists; they are competing with the able bodied for ordinary jobs in offices.

                    My OH's small firm contains three people who suffer from chronic conditions. Two of them were known to be ill when the company took them on, but both are highly skilled people who had something very special to offer. The standard of their work and their loyalty to the company more than makes up for any time they have to take off (although I'm not sure they take that much more than anyone else) and the nature of their employment means they can operate from home when it is necessary. One member of staff has become disabled since joining the company. I can't say that this always makes life easy, especially in a small enterprise, but it has been decided that the company will do its best to offer support until this person retires.

                    The question is, how do people who are competing against the able-bodied for bog-standard, unskilled or semi-skilled jobs, get that first foot on the ladder? My husband has received letters from able-bodied people offering to work for nothing, simply to get some work experience on their CV.
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                    • Kandy

                      Kandy Will be glad to see the sun again soon.....

                      Apr 23, 2006
                      Head gardener
                      In the Middle Of Blighty
                      Shiney I have worked alongside able bodied people just like me but were a lot slower than me and they got exactly the same wage as me per hour and also I could do the works order in three days that took the slower ones a week to complete,and I bet you can guess which person got thought more of...:mute:

                      In another life myself and Mr K orked at a large electronics company{1,700 people} and on the shop floor we had one lady that was blind who did a fantastic job and the only thing the company did for her was provide a run and kennel at the back of the gatehouse security box,another lady was severly disabled with Arthritis and had twisted hands,a hump back {not sure of the technical name for it and facial deformaties and she held down a full time job with the company for many years and in our Quality Control department we had an adult Inspector in his thirties who had one leg facing the wrong way{the leg and foot was turned 90 degrees inwards}All these people worked alongside us able bodied workers and they earnt the same or slightly more {QC rates} and never ever were they paid less than the proper rates for the job they did.If anything they should I think have got paid more as they found it more difficult to do the job than we others.

                      I think the world has gone completley mad in the way it is treating people who after all are trying to earn a decent living just like the rest of us:D
                    • loopy lou

                      loopy lou Gardener

                      Jan 1, 2010
                      the disabled legislation states that 'reasonable adjustment' must be made for disabled people - thats fine by me!

                      shame on that MP!!

                      there is a nursing home near me that had a disabled 'worker' - they paid her NOTHING! I complained to her social worker and they then started paying her ten quid a shift (four hours work) the problem was that she would rather keep her job then have the money - so thats what was agreed (she has a learning disability) she was happy with that. Then, when her father was ill she took two days off to be with him and look after him (she never had holidays from work- ever!) and the ******'s sacked her!

                      thats whats very very wrong


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